Winter break

1 minute read time.
Just popped in to say a quick hello and goodbye. We are off up the coast tonight after Hubby has finished work, for a week. Yeah!!!! I am trying to get organised but my brain is not funtioning this morning. I have got so much to do and so little time to do it in.Hubby has got the easy bit by working at his job. He said, Its alright for some people not to have to go into work today... HUH what a laugh. Ive gotta pack clothes, Go into town to pay rego for boat and car, Go to super market and get food, Appointment with GP. And have the house looking nice for when we return ie. Wash floors, polish and get the washing dry that has been out for 2 days due to rain. Oh and Jill since you have not got work today, could you make sure the car is full of petrol and can you pop over to Dads and get his Waders for me.(Gumboots) Oh and dont forget to pay the phone and power bill.and ill get you to cut my hair when i get home. So I must go and get on track, I thinks it is the chest infection that i cannot seem to shake. But ill be okay.. I have to be. WHAT WOULD HE DO WITHOUT ME> after all,,,I have got the day off from my job. Catch you all in a week. Take care and be safe Jill New Zealand