When does it stop

1 minute read time.
Hi all. I had a terrible night last night thinking the worst. 2008 was a shocker of a year for me and hoped that 2009 would come right. I had back surgery last year, a burst peptic ulcer due the long term use of anti Inflammatories. A ruptured spleen that had to be removed due to Sugeons medical misadventure. A hernia that was in the line of fire an had to be done then lastly, Kidney cancer which they found while all this was going on. God i could write a book. 4 Days ago i noticed a lump in my neck which is sitting right on the main artery. GP asked if that is where they put a line in but They didnt. Have ultra sound today at the GP and if it is any thing that concerns him he is sending me for an urgent CT scan. Now i am worried again and hope that it is nothing . Sleep is imposible at the moment as i am a worrier.will keep you all posted on site and keep fingers crossed. I felt this was the best way to tell you by blogging. as sometimes on the site chat room when all is happy i dont like to change the mood for every one with my problems. Well i have got that off my chest and feel a little better.Sometimes i feel a little isolated been in New Zealand. Jill D
  • FormerMember

    Thanks you guys. Its so neat to have such great support.  Will Let you know by blog later today how the ultra sound goes. I will stay positive and hope to give you good news.

    Love you all and thanks for the supporting comments.

     Jill D NZ

  • FormerMember

    hey Jill, just wondering how it is going love, have you had any news? I really hope it is nothing for you to worry about, got everything crossed for you.

    Luv & Hugs

    Sarah x

  • FormerMember

    Hey Jill

    I hope you're ok, been thinking of you today.  Please don't stay away from chat....we like feeling jealous when you tell us  what lovely weather you're getting over !!! Hope all is well for you, got everything crossed. Take care.

    Lots of love

    Lorraine xxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Well everyone. Good news. The lump is a Thyroid nodule that the GP seems to think is nothing to worry about. I just have to watch it and have another check up in 3 months.I feel rather stupid now that i thought the worst but im sure that all the cancer patient get paranoid at any little lump they find. He took a blood test to check hormone levels i think. Thankyou everyone for your concern which has all turned out positive. Love you all.

    Jill  New Zealand