Thankyou my friends

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Thankyou Marsha, Jo Mac, Indie chick, Christine D, Liz, Jan Jan, Michelle, Tracy Dev, Kerry and tweetie Pie. Your replies came at a good time. I have decided to pull the plug on this wonderful site and give the real sick ones a chance. I am cured of my cancer and feel that maybe it is time to let it go.. I want to thank expecially Dev, Jan Jan, Indie and my drinking buddy ( Mel in the states) and Marsha. I always enjoyed the chats when you guys were on. After Russell our friend died at the age of 50 on Friday, I relised then that life is so short. God bless you all and that you for all the support you gave me when i was sick. Take care and be safe.. I love you all. Jill D New Zealand.xxxxxxxx
  • FormerMember

    I'm sad to see you go, Gill, but I completely understand your reasons.  I've enjoyed our chats too and our undercover sleuthing!!  Who will be my Watson now?

    I hope you have a wonderful life, you deserve it!

    Marsha x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Gill, such a shame you have to leave this site, but am glad you've decided to move on.  I wish you all the very best for the future and hope things continue to go well for you.  Best wishes, Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    It's important that us sufferers see successes. Even if you just pop in once a month/quarter/six months/ year  just to let us know how you are doing. There's too much doom and gloom on here. We need the success stories.

    Keep smiling




  • FormerMember

    Jill, sorry to see you go hun but hope things work out for you.  take care love. x x x  would be nice to speak to you now and then tho x x x maybe you could pop back in from time to time to see us x x

  • FormerMember

    Drew is right ,pop in .from time to time

    take care Jill