silly old me

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Hi everyone. Is good news. The lump turned out to be a Thyroid nodule which the GP is not to concerned about. I feel stupid now that i thought the worst but im sure you cancer patients get paranoid over any other lumps you find. He has taken a blood test and want me to keep an eye on it. He will look at it again in another 3 months. Thankyou for all the support you gave me even though it was nothing. I got myself in a real state. Catch you all in the chat room Jill D NZ
  • FormerMember

    HI Jill,

    Thats great news ,im pleased for ya,its always best to get lumps/bumps checked out

    to put your mind at rest .

    Sue xx

  • FormerMember

    Great news Jill!  Those rogue lumps are a worry though, aren't they?  I had the throaty lump wobbles summer before last, turned out I have a non-toxic multinodular thyroid, which I guess must be better than having a toxic multinodular thyroid!

    Marsha xx

  • FormerMember

    That is really fantastic news. I had a lump removed from my inner cheek in my mouth last year. Went to hell and back worrying about it. Turned out to be a lymph node that had never gone down after some sort of infection. Don't even remember having an infection. Toatlly understand how you felt. Get the champers out!  Don't ever feel stupid about being concerned about you health.

    Take care.x

  • FormerMember

    hi jill don`t feel stupid, my goodness we all panic when we feel a lump, now you need to celebrate, woohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!, jump up and down have a dance, flippin eck, open the champers, lol, well done you. good news gives us all a boost.

                                             see you in chat

                                                        liz xxx

  • FormerMember

    Yay Im so pleased for your good news hon, been really worried about you!

    Sarah x