Kidney cancer

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Hi all From New Zealand. Just want to wish you all a happy happy new year and hope that you get all the wishes you hope for. Im going on holiday for a week so will catch you all in the New Year. Take care and be safe. Jill New Zealand
  • FormerMember

    HI . Thanks Jill.

    Happy New Year to you to Enjoy your holiday wherever your going.

    A friend from NZ told me this morning it's not too warm there at the moment   20c.

    Hope it's warmer where your going. It's got to be warmer the the uk! It's freezing here and going to get colder! One of our relatives from Aukland is coming over here in January! She must be mad!




  • FormerMember

    .. also from New Zealand......Auckland!!  Hell's bells Veggie I agree with you, your rellie must be nuts, a long expensive way to go to experience January in the UK!!!   I AM English by the way so no stranger to the sometimes fearful winters.

    Here's to a a good and positive 2009 for all of us on here.   2008 has been a shocker, not just for me but seemingly for all my extended family  -  and obviously for those who post here.  Will raise a glass to the What Now Community on our New Year;s Day.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Jill and everyone who reads this blog,

    Just wanting to wish you all a bright and happy new year.

    Take care
