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Hi anyone that can answer my question. Can you drink Alcohol after you have a kidney removed. Thanks. Jill NZ
  • FormerMember

    I never really drank before my Kidney cancer but since I had my kidney removed in July I have been well SlOShEd (hic)  in the name of enjoying myself more , twice without any ill effects.

    I'm sure the medical world would advise caution and moderation so it may be a good idea to ask your Doc.

    The only real difference Ive found in life with  1 kidney is I wee an awful lot if I eat too much fruit ! How strange is that lol.  

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jill, my dad continued to drink after he had his kidney removed, but on saying that he wasn't a huge drinker!  He continued to go to his club every Friday night and have a couple of pints.  He wasn't averse to a nice glass of wine with a meal either.  This routine continued even after he had half of his remaining kidney removed.  And even after that final half kidney was removed and he was restricted to 500ml of liquid a day, he would still enjoy a little glass of wine on special occasions.

    Perhaps bingeing might be a bit over the top, but I'm sure a glass of two of wine every now and again won't do you any harm.

    Marsha x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jill,

    I had my kidney removed in December 2008.  When I went for my check-up last week I asked my consultant whether there was anything I could do to keep myself well.  His answer was 'drink wine!'  I still don't know if he was kidding me!!

  • FormerMember

    My advice to you is NOT to drink at all , You will feel Better