As promised

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Hi guys..... Its 2pm Wednesday afternoon here. You are all asleep so as promised , i said i would let you know how i got on at the surgeon. He has made my appointment Urgent to have a CT scan. My GP made it semi and that is why i have been waiting and waiting and waiting. He told me not to get all worked up until the scan. Huh alright for him. He was more concerned with the Hernia that was meant to be fixed during my emergency Spleen operation. It has popped open and when i cough a big lump pokes out of my tummy. He has booked me into public to have it repaired. Probabley not until Xmas. Only a day in hospital. So guys, until i have the scan on my neck, there is nothing really to tell you. Enjoy your sleeping and snoring. Jill D New Zealand
  • FormerMember

    Oh makes me so mad some doctors should be shot!

    How would he feal if it was him?

    Thinking of you


  • FormerMember

    Jill,  I hope it is nothing to worry over.   As glenna says,  I bet he would have made it urgent if it was him or his family.  Sending love and support across the seas x x x   Love and Angel Hugs x x x Tricia

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jill, my doctor also thought I had nothing to worry about so referred me for a routine appointment at the breast clinic.

    One month later I had urgent tests done after seeing the consultant and was diagnosed with high grade, invasive cancer. I know doctors aren't perfect, but wish they had erred on the side of caution as I was concerned as both my parents died of cancer.

    Still at least the ball is rolling now, lots of love and support to you. xx

  • FormerMember

    Hoping and praying all will be ok Jill .

    take care thinking of you .


  • FormerMember

    wish we could be awake for you, i know the wee small hours are when the demons come out to mess with your mind, thats such a long time to wait for surgery is it not?.

    good luck with your scan results. (hey i dont snore lol!). liz xx