Jewels in the Dark

1 minute read time.

I'm writing this as a diary and journey through this time with my sister. By blogging on here I hope people will offer me advice and maybe gain some information through these times - hopefully some light moments as well. Other reason is that depiste the fact I won handwriting competitions when (a lot) younger my handwriting is crap so I wouldn't be able to read it back !                   I find it easier to write down my words to express my thoughts than to speak them out - easier to edit them before I say something stupid & trite as well. Other than that I tend to cry too much in either frustration / helplessness so now I can do this in private (shares in tissues & waterproof mascara will rocket !) 

That's the explanation for now. I'm about to get down to some serious questions with the Dr/onco soon to see what's what. I couldn't ask the questions in front of my sister when the cancer was confirmed & with hindsight I wished I'd had sent my sister out with the breast care nurse and sat there myself.  Since found out permission has been given for me to know everything and at first I thought this was good, but now I think - what if she hates me if I have to lie about things to keep her soldiering on. Anyway that's dark thoughts and they aren't allowed. I now know that where she goes I will be there stuck to her side like the Scarlet Pimpernel for all her appointments depsite her saying 'you don't need to come, I'll be ok'. Done this twice  (& for the first diagnosis) so will NOT do this again.

That's it for now - feel better now I've started and mean to follow this through & whether it bores the pants of anybody I really don't care - this is my Sanctuary & my therapy (apart form the occasional retail therapy - charity shops & car boot / jumble sales here I come !).

  • FormerMember

    Your sister is at least lucky in having you by her side Jewels, but what about you, are there any other family/loving friends to share support and strength together? You will be able to blog and blart her so bring your tissues and type away. Love and blessings, Karen xox

  • FormerMember

    Not boring my pants off, like Karen says I think your sister is very fortunate to have you to help her through this (some of us hate admitting we need help btw but we do still need it).

    I write a daily diary - hardly glamorous at the best of times but people seem to read them anyway.  I like seeing the numbers go up on my blogs, means I am still here and annoy people.

    Debs xx

  • FormerMember

    Thanks for the replies - must confess it does cheer me up to receive some contact.

    karent- no, I don't really have anybody I can talk to. Hubby is good (he's calmed down a bit - men always need to be centre of attention when they get older don't they sometmes), but being a bloke he is so practical. The mate I'd normally talk to has had some issues of her own & made it clear she can only deal with her own marriage problems (already alienated another close friend when he needed her the most). Mother is here, but she needs looking after (slight dementia etc) - she helps out a lot with what she does. I don't want to worry her too much as she get's awful panic attacks.It's down to the poor dog to listen to me & he loves it as he gets the attention which he craves. He's got such lovely sad eyes you can swim in them.

    Debs - you have got it in one by summing up the reason for you daily blog. This is the encouragement I need so it's fingers to the keyboard as & when I need some solace / ranting time.

  • FormerMember

    As someone who is being looked after by a sister, I say Thank God for sisters!!

    I hope you find this site helpful and a means of support. I look forward to reading your blogs.

    Take care and love

    Angela xxxx