
  • thoughts in my head!!!!


    well woke up this morning and the first thing that came into my head was chemo only 9 days away for gods sake not what time is it cos i got to get my son to euston by 11 or i have to waken up my daughter for work but bloody chemo !!! its doing my head in its all i can think about and i so want to scream leave me alone !!!! but i know it wont cos im so scared of this thing!!!!

     i dont want to think of being sick or ill…

  • phew!!!!


    well got my results..... to say im relieved is an understatement!!!!..... nothing found from my biopsy last week its a mix of emotions because the next step next week is my chemo starting..... just to wait on the phone call ,blood tests tomorrow then the battle will commence!!!! i signed the form and it felt so strange as if i was reading it over for someone else but im not sadly its my name on the top surreal to say the…

  • scared and frightenened all in one


    tomorrow i go for the results of my biopsy and find out if they have found the primary and to be told when my chemo is starting my insides are all over the place as are my thoughts cant seem to concentrate on anything there is just no reasoning with me and im better on my own right now........why is it when im being given comfort i want to retort with something that i hate hearing myself saying and its out my mouth before…

  • positive thoughts!!!


    just to wish everyone a merry xmas and a healthy and positive 2011

    love and hugs jen xxxx

  • just cant believe it!!!


    yesterday i spent all day as an inpatient in the london hospital took 9 hours till i eventually went into theatre for a biopsy....they lost my notes so couldnt operate until someone in barts found them ........unfortunately for me Barts have lost them so i ended up being a casualty of someones incompetence ......was so stressed out and eventually got home at 8 pm 13 hours later and they had done my biopsy without my notes…