vulnerable and a complete mess !!!!

2 minute read time.

woke up this morning and im feeling so down just seem too want to cry for england scotland ireland and wales......i want someone to cuddle me and tell me everything will be ok but there isnt anyone to do that because im on my own with my two wonderful children well adults now really  ......throughout my life ive always been the one who prefered to be on my own but now is the first time i wish i had someone just for me  to wake up to and give me that much needed cuddle that being selfish yes i suppose it being strong for my kids but inside im falling apart and i so dont like what this is making me become ........ a vulnerable woman ...........i seem to have lost the strong resilient person i was as every day goes by instead im a snivelling mess and when i look in the mirror seem to have aged so much.

i should be happy that im being given the chance of treatment but right now its not first and foremost in my head its way at the back because im scared of it .....scared what it is going to make me become .....dependant on my two children and to anyone else who i can rope in and its just not fair on them .....they should be going about their normal days having nothing more than to worry about than boys and what new game is coming out on x box instead they are being told about hygiene indoors...not allowing their friends in if they have infections,,,, reading the leaflets on the side effects of chemo.....accompanying me to hospital appointments etc etc  what a damn turmoil in our life....all because of this bloody disease.....i am not going to lie down to this or let it take me over because i cant afford to be miserable like this cos then it has won and there is no way i have let anyone win in my life( exs included) so for now i will go dry my tears and get on with being mum for the next few days before my chemo on wednesday starts and then we will be thrown into the unknown ........the dreaded side effects scenario!!!!????

im so angry with myself for feeling like this how dare it drag me down im off for a nice bath... putting on my makeup.... doing my hair and taking my daughter out for the day to the shops!!!

 who knows when the next time i will be feeling able to do this but bugger this damn thing you will not beat me i have no place in my life for you anymore whether im going to be  bald .look like an egg on legs whatever i am going to fight because im proud of who i am and what i am so you can take the biggest bloody hike right out of our life there is no place for you here !!!!

sorry guys just have to have a rant today

love you all jen xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jen

    It is difficult explaining to your children, i have a 15 year old daughter & that was the hardest thing i had to do.

    Just look forward to the results of the chemo battling this awful disease & you getting better.

    Have you any other adult family members you can talk with or a friend?

    The Mac helpline will also help with any of your fears.

    All the best for this next week.

  • FormerMember

    thanks so much teakbank no i dont have any down here in london and to be honest we dont speak they have their lives and i have mine sad times but hey i will get there have a few good friends but they dont live near either seem to be scattered all over comp is the only way of communicating these days

    love jen xxx

  • FormerMember

    Oh maaaaan! Take it easy on yourself, your going through hell.... And your trying to protect your kids from as much as possible, we all need hugs you know, I'm lucky in that I have a husband who loves me very much, but unlucky that he can't get a job back home in the u.k, so he's stuck in the u.s while here for my treatment, and I can tell you although we have phone/email/skype, it doesn't make up for hugs..... The best I can offer you is cyber hugs.... ((((((((((((hugs)))))))))) LIZ xxxx

  • FormerMember

    oh liz thanks so much yes a cuddle is so important do wish i had a lovely man to cuddle me right now but not to be so i will have to do with remembering just what it was like my b/frnd of 7 yrs although we didnt live together decided day before new year that he didnt want to spend it with me so i decided i didnt want to be with him sad but true he knew how very important it was for us to be together this new years eve but somewhere else was more so id rather he had said he couldnt cope than go round about the houses oh well never mind my life will be ok without him and me feeling i will be a burden on him im so much better than he will ever be as a person thanks for the cyber hugs hun do appreciate them

    love jen xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jen ,Sending you big hugs. Yes i think we all worry about the chemo,once you start i found it wasn't as bad as i had feared ,hope it will be the same for you. Good luck on Wednesday , Take care , Best wishes   Sue  xx