scared and frightenened all in one

2 minute read time.

tomorrow i go for the results of my biopsy and find out if they have found the primary and to be told when my chemo is starting my insides are all over the place as are my thoughts cant seem to concentrate on anything there is just no reasoning with me and im better on my own right now........why is it when im being given comfort i want to retort with something that i hate hearing myself saying and its out my mouth before i know it .........maybe because im terrified if im given love and affection i will dissolve into tears and forget to stop so if i keep everyone at arms length i wont show how fragile im feeling right now !!!

the side effects of the chemo are running through my brain at 100mph and the thought of losing my hair is horrendous im a hairdresser and my hair has to be right or id never go to the door let alone go out i know its only hair but its my hair !!!

 i dont want to feel sick and i dont want to feel ill because im not ill at all now but this damn chemo although its to beat this damn thing is going to make me feel awful and i havent been ill apart from the cold or flu my whole life ive always just got up and got on..... have needed to go to work and take care of my children and take all the crap so they wouldnt have to go through any of it and shielded them from everything i possibly could so now because of this awful disease im vulnerable and i hate it the treatment is decided for me i really havent got a say in it because i am going to beat this bloody thing and options are thin on the ground right now !!!!

im angry so angry  i want to run away and scream at the top of my voice but i cant  and for the first time in my life since i was 16 and left home im scared........  im scared that im scared if you understand what i mean but my kids are due back from work and playing football soon so my scared face /tearstained face will need to go back in the cupboard for now and the" hi kids im fine mum face" will come out as always and i will be fine but inside im crying for them and for me

im sorry for writing this right now but i havent told anyone how im truly feeling there isnt anyone to tell really because i dont want to upset them..... to everyone on here thanks for all your kind  and encouraging words and love i so need them .........i will be fine one person said im not dying of cancer im living with it for now but it will be gone im going to make sure of that !!!!

thank you everyone im sorry for having a really bad day !!!!!

  • FormerMember

    Hiya, so its not just me that has many faces stashed in my cupboard then lol you will be absolutley fine and you will find its the fear of the unknown which is making you feel worse. Once i actually started chemo and knew what i was dealing with then i found it much easier to deal with. Im currently about to have round 3 of chemo and thankfully i was offered scalp cooling and as a result have lost no hair :-) I did have a fantastic wig on standby though. Scream and shout on here whenever you need to as it will help you, thinking of you.

    Emma :-) xx

  • FormerMember

    Thinking of you today.

    Jazz x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jen,

    I could have written that blog myself at one time, I was terrified of everything. I've had 4 different chemos but only lost my hair with the last one. Even after all of that and extensive surgery I still found losing my hair devastating and it was but I coped.I found a website called Wigs and Pieces, they had a lot of choice and good service. I got a wig from them but I sent it back. My own hair is very fine and short and no one would choose a wig resembling that so it was as if I was going from being Sinead O Connor to being Dolly Parton. Well not quite but you get my drift! So I am doing hats and scarves but it is growing back now.Sadly none of the chemos has made any difference but I feel that I have tried my best.

    I hope you have good results and a treatment plan which will make you feel more positive. Well done for being so brave and get whichever face out of the cupboard that you need.Your children will support you. I have been surprised by mine.

    Love Jen XX

  • FormerMember

    Good luck today. Will be thinking of you.  

    Love Julie xx

  • FormerMember

    thanks julie jen jazz and emma well i got my results nothing again woopeeeeee!!!! thanks so much for all your great comments so kind of you all feel so much better now didnt sleep till 5 this morning but hey my dr said well we have given you every test going and still no primary have we found so im going to start chemo next week yes its scary but im doing it got to get rid of this bloody thing once and for all thanks everyone stay well and take care of yourselves loads of love jen xxxxx