phew!!! was yesterday a long day!!!

1 minute read time.

Hospital all day yesterday know they are busy but so much waiting around had my ct scan and saw the consultant what a lovely lady she is shes  a diamond !!! we have got lots of humour between us even when she told me i have to go in on friday to have a biopsy again!!!  good news is my scan showed that my cancer cells are stable and i dont have to start chemo till after xmas unless things change before then visited the macmillan centre at barts as well when i was there..... such lovely ladies bless them helped me with lots and gave us lots of books to read even some for my daughter as blood tests to go for later today a bit weepy today guess its got to come out somewhere this chemo is freaking me out truth be known the side effects im reading about........ so i am going to stop reading about them its not helping me at all.......... chin up though  its not going to beat me could swear but i wont MR C go take a hike!!! (thats so not what i want to say but i will be polite for now lol) love to everyone stay strong !!!!

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jennifer,

    All the very best with your C/T scan and Blood tests

    hope all is well with the results.

    Dont believe all that you read. You did the right thing by putting the books to the one side.

    I send you my support strength and comfort.All the very best and good luck.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • Crying is definitely GOOD! You need to let the negative thoughts out somewhere and tears can wash them away. You're more than entitled to have 'off' days' whilst your going through treatment.

    You take care.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Jennifer,

    Are you at bart's in london?  i'm under them, jointly under care of endocrinology and oncology.

    and I too, have secondaries in my liver, but my primary was in my adrenal gland.

    Keep chin up love, Jeanie x