life can be so strange !!!

1 minute read time.

yesterday when i was sitting in the waiting room patiently awaiting the call out of my name to be ushered in to see my onc before my next chemo tomorrow i couldnt help but notice the lady sitting across from me .....its funny how you notice the slightest things about people it was obvious that shed lost all her hair like myself and she had the loveliest turban on ...after about twenty minutes she caught my eye and i smiled and for the next hour we chatted like old friends by the time her name was called i knew where she lived how many children she had and what she was suffering from bless her and she told me how scared she was of the coming op to remove her stomach my heart went out to her and i thought i wonder if she has told her family just how scared she was i so doubted it !!!! i found myself taking her hand and reassuring her it was for the best and she would be fine her son who was in his 40s just sat opposite us and looked bored not even the slightest interaction or acknowledging the fact his mum was in bits and telling a complete stranger how scared she was perhaps its a reminder to us all  that we all need someone to talk to and we all on here have a special bond which makes us so lucky to have these special people on here who i need so much through my own journey with this dreaded disease and who understand just how im feeling with every step of the way thanks guys

love and hugs jen xxxx                                 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jenni,

    We are the Mac Family !  But without the normal  family hangups - not saying relatives don't care, most do, but It was great you showed your human side to a stranger - bet she will remember that for years to come.

    We not only listen on here - we understand,  we have been there, some of us are still there now !!

    The major factor here is you get the full spectrum of points of view, Carers and Ex-Carers, Patients and  Ex-Patients, - they understand the dark places that we all find at times and they all help in their own individual but important ways..

    Love and Hugs

    J xx

  • FormerMember

    thanks john

    for always being there in the dark places and the light ones

    jen xxx

  • FormerMember

    Its only when you stare into the abyss yourself that you can really appreciate the fear we all live with.

    Actually its not really the word cancer is it.  Its just the pure fear that the word conjures up.  We all think, OMG I'm going to die and realistically some of us do but nowadays there is so much more hope and believing in that is more important than anything.

    Jen you sound as if you really helped this lady, and I hope  I meet you in one of my waiting rooms one day.

  • FormerMember

    cant help but second what suetoo said. Reaching out a friendly hand to another human being is always rewarding and (almost) always appreciated. Bless you xxx