just ridiculous!!!

1 minute read time.

well ive been feeling so sick these last few days yesterday couldnt eat anything and couldnt even drink much or get my tablets down so was forced to phone the chemo number they gave..... unavailable..... so phoned one of the chemo wards at barts..... doctor phoned me back about half hour later to say that she wasnt allowed to give me a prescription for stronger anti sickness and the ward wasnt allowed to give me any either even though i was willing to go up there which is two bus journeys there and back( how id make it god knows but there wasnt an alternative or so i thought even though im feeling so ill ) anyway told me i had to phone my out of hours doctor ...did that and he phoned me back to say i had to go to the walk in centre at the london hospital where he would leave me a prescription for wait for it!!!!!!  2 yes 2 tablets which will tide me over till tomorrow and then i have to go to my own gp to get a prescription for stronger anti sickness tabs is it me or do they do it on purpose heres me feeling like crap havent been able to eat since friday and ive got all this to contend with what is the point of giving me a phone number telling me if youre not feeling well out of hours phone the 24/7 chemo line just hope its never something serious i have to phone them up about thats all  i can say!!!!!! Raging isnt the word wait till i get onto my chemo nurse tomorrow !!!!

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jen, sorry you are feeling crap, which anti sickness are you on, I was given two different ones, one cheap one much more expensive although it says on the packet to only take the expensive one on the day of chemo and the next day my chemo nurse said to take both tablets for first 2/3 days they have worked really well for me just have to try and get more of the dear ones now, also I was sent home with an antisickness injection which I can have if really bad, thankfully haven't needed it yet. Hope you are feeling abit better today, take care x

  • FormerMember

    thanks pauline

    im on valoid cyclozine now got them yesterday when i took them first time i felt better but today im back feeling rough they are 50 mgs wheras the other ones they gave me were only 10mgs taken 3 times a day its driving me mad cos i want to eat but the thought of a plate of food is too much to even contemplate !!!

    love and hugs jen xxx

  • FormerMember

    Oh love, that sounds awful. Glad you are feeling better now though.