just cant believe it!!!

1 minute read time.

yesterday i spent all day as an inpatient in the london hospital took 9 hours till i eventually went into theatre for a biopsy....they lost my notes so couldnt operate until someone in barts found them ........unfortunately for me Barts have lost them so i ended up being a casualty of someones incompetence ......was so stressed out and eventually got home at 8 pm 13 hours later and they had done my biopsy without my notes anyway!!! Hadnt eaten by then for nearly 24 hours and  the nurse in the day patient ward didnt know what dressing i was to have so shoved me out with a few swab things and told me to phone my own doctors today (ye right being saturday it was closed) to arrange for the district nurse to come out to change my dressing and now im waiting for the nurse (who i arranged over the phone after talking to an emergency call centre).......of course  she will not appear because the snow in london is 6 inches deep and more on the way so really if i didnt laugh id be crying !!! i so wonder if someone up there is having a laugh with me!!! well listen to me whoever you are it is SO not funny !!!!!! now ive got to do the waiting game yet again for the results!!!!

