just cant believe it!!!

1 minute read time.

yesterday i spent all day as an inpatient in the london hospital took 9 hours till i eventually went into theatre for a biopsy....they lost my notes so couldnt operate until someone in barts found them ........unfortunately for me Barts have lost them so i ended up being a casualty of someones incompetence ......was so stressed out and eventually got home at 8 pm 13 hours later and they had done my biopsy without my notes anyway!!! Hadnt eaten by then for nearly 24 hours and  the nurse in the day patient ward didnt know what dressing i was to have so shoved me out with a few swab things and told me to phone my own doctors today (ye right being saturday it was closed) to arrange for the district nurse to come out to change my dressing and now im waiting for the nurse (who i arranged over the phone after talking to an emergency call centre).......of course  she will not appear because the snow in london is 6 inches deep and more on the way so really if i didnt laugh id be crying !!! i so wonder if someone up there is having a laugh with me!!! well listen to me whoever you are it is SO not funny !!!!!! now ive got to do the waiting game yet again for the results!!!!


  • FormerMember

    Hi Jenny,

    Lets hope that due to the problems you have had to endure having the biopsy that that the result will more than make up for it!!!

    Fingers crossed and good luck.


  • FormerMember

    Thanks hun!!!

    well still no show with the nurse so guess i will just have to keep an eye on it myself a n e probably the best bet tomorrow if she doesnt appear hope you have a nice night stay warm


  • FormerMember

    Hi Jennifer,

    The worst part of being a patient is the waitng. Waiting for biopsy results scan results any type of result. It would drive you insane if you let it, but you seem to me to be the strong minded type who can hold her own with anybody. Who is willing to take on the establishment as long as you can get the answers you need. My thoughts and strength,support and caring. I send to you. All the best and Good Luck.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    hi sarsfield.

    yes well honestly im not the kind of person who is good even waiting in the supermarket queue but have found humour is the best way to get round most things yesterday my sense of humour evaded me somewhat after 9 hours starving and ending up surrounded with people who didnt know their own name even but when the porter came for me the nurse and him had an argument about my notes been missing !!! "Hello im here waiting in my hospital gown to go down to theatre to have my body cut open not standing waiting on a bus!!!" i so had to laugh and especially when i had to walk half a mile in the said gown with my ass open to the elements to go to theatre i just creased up so funny and somewhat surreal!!! yes i will be strong mr c is so not going to beat me !!!

    take care  and stay warm on this freezing cold night

    love jen xxxx

  • FormerMember

    You take care of yourself, hugs. x