is this a wee moan!!!

1 minute read time.

hi everyone

think im about to have a moan because i have been wakened since haf 5 and its sunday morning this no sleeping is doing me in got 6 hours for the first time since wednesday

 bloody chemo is turning me into a zombie red eyes .....look like a lobster... hair falling out and i darent look in the mirror for fear it will crack into a million pieces ....on the up side if i can say there is one im eating for everyone in here and cant decide now what to have for breakfast day is filled with taking my chemo tabs exactly haf an hour after ive eaten..... twice a day..... sickeness tabs 3 times a day ....steroids(  thank god are done with now) tramadol for pain in my legs....and my sleeping tablets who my friend told me will knock me out for hours HELLO??? NOT THIS BIRD IM AFRAID!!!

sorry im on a big moany one today but just so bored and fed up think if i got to sleep more i might feel like taking on the world but right now i feel like crap its sunday so the kids have no work and no school so will no doubt stay in bed for the whole day lucky them.... then get up cause bedlam dirtying the house as they go along which ive probably just cleaned up perfectly and laze about on x box live and watching movies on sky....... i have seen every movie imaginable on bloody sky!!!!

right im off boiloed eggs it is for breki im starving....... mrs moany signing out ......perhaps tomorrow i will have managed to sleep better my lobster looks will have faded i will still be bald but hey im still here and thats whats most important !!!

love and hugs everyone promise no more moans for a while thanks for reading this.... positive thoughts all the way


  • FormerMember

    Moaning is allowed!

    When you're tired everything seems worse and it becomes like a viscious circle as you stress about lack of sleep then dont sleep.

    Not sure how old your kids are but if they can walk they are old enough to tidy up in my opinion!! I have three kids and they can be like a whirlwind leaving distruction in its path. But even littleies can get that mummy needs a bit of help - my youngest used to love washing up when he was a toddler. And as for teenagers - well totally lazy but also totally capable - kick some butts Jen!!

    And sleep when you can, an afternoon nap if necessary, dont worry about it spoiling your nights sleep, if you are rested you will be more relaxed.

    Take care

    Vikki x

  • FormerMember

    thanks everyone for all the tips for the matress sleep etc well appreciated will slog on guysand stop moaning for a wee while love and hugs to everyone xxxxxjen

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jen,

    You are entitled to moan after going so long witout sleep. Lets hope they manage to get you a medicine that works. All the best and good luck.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    It's ok to have a moan, chemo sucks, but it's worth it! It's good to get it off your chest though..... Keep it up

    LIZ xxxxxx