is this a wee moan!!!

1 minute read time.

hi everyone

think im about to have a moan because i have been wakened since haf 5 and its sunday morning this no sleeping is doing me in got 6 hours for the first time since wednesday

 bloody chemo is turning me into a zombie red eyes .....look like a lobster... hair falling out and i darent look in the mirror for fear it will crack into a million pieces ....on the up side if i can say there is one im eating for everyone in here and cant decide now what to have for breakfast day is filled with taking my chemo tabs exactly haf an hour after ive eaten..... twice a day..... sickeness tabs 3 times a day ....steroids(  thank god are done with now) tramadol for pain in my legs....and my sleeping tablets who my friend told me will knock me out for hours HELLO??? NOT THIS BIRD IM AFRAID!!!

sorry im on a big moany one today but just so bored and fed up think if i got to sleep more i might feel like taking on the world but right now i feel like crap its sunday so the kids have no work and no school so will no doubt stay in bed for the whole day lucky them.... then get up cause bedlam dirtying the house as they go along which ive probably just cleaned up perfectly and laze about on x box live and watching movies on sky....... i have seen every movie imaginable on bloody sky!!!!

right im off boiloed eggs it is for breki im starving....... mrs moany signing out ......perhaps tomorrow i will have managed to sleep better my lobster looks will have faded i will still be bald but hey im still here and thats whats most important !!!

love and hugs everyone promise no more moans for a while thanks for reading this.... positive thoughts all the way


  • FormerMember

    Hi Jen

    Good moan helps at times just wish my wife agreed with me !! lol

    Good advice from Max about the grant - just not sure on the time scales. Quick cheap solution could be one of inflatable ones - not talking if lilo type - the do some with flock covering as an emegency bed for suprise guests, that just hide away.

    Think they cost about £10 - £!5 and you can inflate to a firmness to suit yourself. Take care


    J xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jen,

    If cant sleep try going on line for a chat, folk in and out all hours, they are from around the world so time lines different. I gave up on trying to sleep normal hours, and as you say the tablets dont work.  I get up do housework etc.  Do asw max has advised and try and get a grant from the macmillan

    if you dont ask you dont know.

    Not sure if you went on chat last night but went in hoping we could meet up, another day maybe.

    Takecare hugs Jan xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jen,

         I am finding it hard to get to sleep at the moment...just to show how sad it three this morning I was trying to think of all the states in the US! Well it seemed slightly better than counting bloody sheep! Net result though is I am soo tired. As to food, my appetite has gone and I really don't like the thought of many foods, thankfully I don't feel sick. Oh well only two weeks to go at work til half term, then I think I shall go on sick leave.

    Take care, hope you are feeling brighter soon

    Kath xx

  • It depends where you live but around here The British Heart Foundation sell good quality secon-hand beds. Alternatively you can buy 'Memory Foam' mattress toppers which are lovely. I was having trouble sleeping but now I have been prescribed with amatriptelyne (for back pain) I can sleep for England.

    Hope you find a solution and have a good long sleep.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Jen

    Dont worry about having a moan,I call that therapy!

    I can sympathise with you for the lack of sleep problem, it something that i have had to deal with for the last 10 years, if you are tired and ratty come here and have a good moan you can send it to me if you like and i will see if i can do a better moan than you! Often i dont even know what i am annoyed about, my poor husband doesnt know whether he coming or going sometimes, one minute i can be all loving and affectionate the next i scream at him if he so much as looks at me, tiredness undermines you so much if you add chemo, menopause/pmt, cancer anxiety , financial problems and in your case kids its a wonder we dont all go stark staring mad, mind you , you definitely will if you watch day time telly avoid that like the plague, several hours of that and you lose the will to live!

    I think the best advice i have seen on here is to take it one day at a time, a friend of mine who has been through hell with cancer and heart operations , reckons it is absolutely imperative that you give yourself things to look forward to she plans days out

    treats and makes goals to work towards, well she had a cancer with a very poor prognosis   that was 7 years ago , lack of sleep saps your energy so maybe you need a different sleeping tablet, i have a thing called stillnot from the doctor, this works by helping you get off to sleep, i have found them effective.Any way Jen moan if you need to but *******to cancer and all its irritations and lets just concentrate on living better and better LOL Lyn