dont waste a second!!!

1 minute read time.

just sitting here on my laptop and different thoughts going through my head ........funny old life aint it.......and how it can all change in a heartbeat!!!!

 this time last year i was looking forward to going on holiday to turkey head full of what i had to buy clothes wise etc etc you know the kind of things just every day life as a single parent my whole life was circled round juggling the finances and making sure my kids were ok and working part time!!!!

nowadays is so different my whole life is circled round me being ill!!!

im always conscious about my next chemo looming up i have never been ill in my life yes suffered the normal colds flus but always battled on through it and then wham this!!!

 so what i am really trying to say to everyone is never leave things till tomorrow dont put off going to the doctor even if you feel youre troubling them for something minute!!! i went into hospital with what i thought was the flu turned out i had septaecemia (where i got that god only knows) but i was very ill and a routine scan picked up the secondaries on my liver !!!????

without being in hospital id have soldiered on disregarding the usual aches and pains and putting them down to getting older now i know that the dull ache under my ribs every so often wasnt just that so im one of the lucky ones who was diagnosed earlier rather than later you know your own body so if it doesnt feel right deal with it keep on at the docs till he sends you for further tests and never take no for an answer

life is precious every single second of it so live life to the full!!!

 sorry for being so miserable today think im longing for the sunshine makes you feel so much more alive so think i will walk up to the churchyard the snowdrops and crocus are all out and its so lovely just a pure carpet of yellow purple and white everywhere makes you realise your lucky to be here and i intend to for a very long time may i add!!!

love and hugs to everyone hope you all have a great day !!!!


  • FormerMember

    Still don't feel ill in some ways only the side effects of the chemo - although did spend a week in the hospital after picking up the campila bacter virus (don't know how or where).  The only symptom I had before diagnosis waas anaemia and some tiredness. My doctor, bless her, called me into the surgery, palpated my abdomen and sent me for endosopy and then colonoscopy. She was definitely on the ball that day!

    Yes occasionally I do wonder "why me" then I think of some of the young people I see having chemo and think "why them? they haven't had a chance to live yet. Then underneath I rage about the injustice. At least I have had most of my life and already passed the age of my parents and paternal grandparents