day 5 and im down!!!

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today is the 5th day after my first chemo and i feel rough today somehow bit sick and just weird and very tired although im not sleeping at all well seem to be hyper during the night though think im over the worst for now well hope i am ........anyways apart from the really bad sore arm i had for 2 days and the awful tiredness that i felt on friday but its the spaced out feeling i find so difficult to put up with now is this normal ??....cos i dont know whats normal and whats not normal had the hot red face and body as well but it has seemed to calm down since yesterday im taking tablets for 21 days as well as the intravenous chemo and its a pain in the backside cos i hate tabs am i over the worst for this time or is it just going to continue i cant seem to get my act together at all and of course im looking for my hair falling out now seem a bit down today  and weepy  probably cos im not sleeping well at all so im off to bed for a few hours havent seen much of anyone or anything since i got back from hospital nothing unusual about that cos since ive been ill and not working i never seem to see anyone anyways thats what my life was about getting up going to work and looking after the house and the kids didnt have time for much else really now im bored crapless how times change in a matter of weeks !!! (sorry!!!! ) apologies for feeling so down people would love it to be the opposite but im not feeling like the opposite at all the weather is awful dull dank and miserable just like me !!!

  • FormerMember

    I felt really down on about days 8-10 of my chemo cycle, I think it's probably normal to feel like that, quite apart from all the emotional trauma of it.

    I found spaced out was the hardest thing to deal with and was also told it was normal.  

    Just rest and take it easy.  As for being bored, I understand.  I played computer games and watched endless Come Dine with Mes!  You need to find something you enjoy that isn't too energetic or taxing on your brain, I think! x

  • FormerMember

    Hiya, Jennifer. My hubby's been having chemo fortnightly + cetuximab weekly, from Sept, and, like you, he has found the spaced out feeling quite frustrating. It doesn't last the whole time, and is usually worse on days 5+6, as he comes back down from the 3 days of steroids. As everyone else says, go with the flow. There is a lot of hard work going on inside of you! Another friend who went through all this almost 2 years ago, and now has had her All Clear, said that sweeties got her through the down days, so my hubby (who's never had a sweet tooth) tried jelly beans and wine gums : ) Apparently they helped. He's finally had time to indulge his hobby on his 'good' days, making and painting model scenes and vehicles, which he's had put away for years. Wait until you can recognise your personal pattern, and you'll feel better knowing you can plan for activity AND REST! Best Wishes, Mrs Pogle

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jennifer I havent been on site for a few days, internet wasnt working. Im so sorry for what you are going through. You were so kind to me when I felt down, I will never forget that. The people on here are so supportive. I know the feeling of isolation as I havent been out for a year because of loo needs, but I do have good grown up kids as well as one at home. Sometimes they are  a flipping nuisance but when you need them they are usually there. I do hope you have some support somewhere. Endulge yourself with whatever makes you feel good. Mines anything sugary. Take care of yourself Jen and let us know how you are doing. Wishing you well.Best wishes Rosie x