cant believe ive done it !!!!

1 minute read time.

hi everyone!!!

 just had to write and tell everyone that i have actually plucked up the courage and shaved off all my hair !!!!.........yes i do look like an egg with legs and still cant bear to look in the mirror but the alternative was sitting painfully having it falling out all over the place and feeling so helpless about it happening !!!

 yes our hair is one of our most beautiful features and yes im terrified to face anyone yet who knows me...... but my 16yr old came in from school and didnt even notice all he said was it looks cool mum when my daughter mentioned it to him bless him !!!!

 will i have the courage to face my public or not who can tell probably not quite yet one step at a time and baby steps at that but i have to conquer my fear and do i really care what people think or is it the fact i now have an outward appearance of a cancer sufferer and cant hide the fact away any more im sure i will get there but when or how long it will take will depend on my attitude nobody elses !!!

 so now a few little pep talks to myself plenty eyemakeup hope my eyelashes dont fall out and my eyebrows( got my false eyelashes waiting ceremoniously in their little box) just yet until i get used to the hair or lack of it i should say and avoid the mirrors as much as possible for today anyway will let you know how far my next baby step will take me.........maybe to put out the bin but hey its progress!!!! im proud of me !!!!

love and hugs jen xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    You are so brave!!!!!!!!! brought a tear to my eyes or maybe its my hormones with this chemo ;) u go girl big hugs xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jenni,

    Good for you and congratulations ! - maybe you feel it was a baby step - but every journey start that way - a single step !!

    Maybe the point you are overlooking - it was not just cosmetic shaving your head - it was you taking control and saying 'Its my body I will decide how it will look and when ! ' ( as well as saving on all that hoovering !  )

    Your kids sound great and maybe sum up the fact you are more conscious of the change than others will be. Take care and go at your pace.

    Love and Hugs

    J xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jen.  Well done you are right to be proud!  I watched my mum do the same thing and believe me I know how hard that must have been for you and what courage it took to go ahead and do it.  My mum did feel better once she had done it although, initially, I was the only one who saw her without hair(wig) or a bandana but gradually she got used to people coming in and seeing her wee bald head.  She never did venture outside without her hair but was happy to go out with her wig which looked fab.  Give yourself a huge pat on the back!  Love and hugs Caroline XX

  • FormerMember

    Well done Jen! I did the same. I had long hair which I had cut to shoulder length before I started chemo, but couldn't stand when it started to fall out. It was everywhere, even in my mouth when I was eating, so I took the plunge and asked my sister-in-law to shave it off.

    When her and my brother arrived they had a debate as to who was doing the first shave. He wanted to have a go first because I was his sister. I must admit I found it quite amusing while they bickered about it and it lightened the mood.

    It took a lot of courage when I eventually ventured out of the house wearing a bandana, but once I realised that no-one was giving me a second glance I managed to relax about it. Luckily, my hair grew back really quickly and hope yours will too. I didn't lose my eyebrows and my eyelashes just thinned a bit.

    Good luck with the rest of the treatment, hope it's not too harsh on you.

    Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    Well Done you!

    another hurdle crossed, yes theres some more to do but one at a time, eh?

    Ive not had to cope with hair loss but couple of my friends have, one was bald and proud the other hid it away with scalves/hats/wigs, my point is its personal how you cope with it, everyone is different and whatever you choose is ok. Its a sad fact that we are all quite used to seeing people without their hair but this means that it wont shock most people.

    A small tip, if you need the false eyelashes - they can be a real pain to put on! my friend used to line her eyes with make up instead, it was very effective, just use makeup that it kind to your skin.

    Good luck

    Vikki x