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Having been diagnosed with Grade 2, Stage 1 breast cancer in October, I had a lumpectomy in November. Am now in the middle of radiotherapy. All is going well. I have been prescribed Anastrozole as my cancer was/is ER positive HER-2 Negative. It took all the courage I had to start taking it. I decided to give it a go and have now been on it a week. I keep waiting for the hot flushes etc., but so far so good, although I realise it's very early days.  I have read so many awful stories and hoping I don't experience some of the side affects some people are unfortunate to experience.  Still thinking is it really necessary as my lymph nodes were clear. Is any odd else in a similar position. 

  • Hi, I had a similar breast cancer to you and started anastrozole a year ago following a lumpectomy and radiotherapy with clear lymph nodes. I have really struggled with the side effects and have now stopped taking it after a discussion with my Oncologist.  Her view was that as I had a very early cancer the benefit of taking it was not worth the impact on my quality of life.  I am 70 so don’t want to spend another four years feeling so unwell.  I think it is good to read all the research you can and discuss it with your Oncologist before making a decision.  Only time will tell if my decision was right.  

  • Hi, I've met people who had few or no side effects (& I'm totally jealous).  So you may be one of the 'lucky' ones (like there's anything lucky about cancer...)  I cycled through the meds that were available - side effects for me were awful.  I stopped taking them.  I'm now on my 2nd round of cancer but I don't regret for a second that I didn't take those meds.  I already have chronic pain & refused to pile on more.  

  • Sorry hit post by accident.  Like Carrie52 said, read the research and talk to your oncologist.  Monitor how you feel and how the meds affect your quality of life. Make the decision that's right for YOU.  I'd never tell anyone to stop their meds, but there's no law that says once you start meds, you can't stop...  I'm really hoping you don't start with side effects!