Funny old day

1 minute read time.

Well its been a funny old day, got ready today for our 90 mile round trip for Tony's last chemo, just as we were leaving the phone rang..chemo cancelled till next week, bloods not recovered enough, ok says my husband, no problem, (the Y chromesone really working overtime here) he seemed to have forgottenthe fact that our daughter gets married next week!! I was firing questions at him to ask, he seemed hell bent on not letting me speak to them, did he ask any of the questions?.....No, I mean they weren't important... just bone scan results and CT scan results!!!! Why? he didn't want to bother them, they were too busy! Gggrrrr!! I love him to bits and hate what he's going through, but sometimes....So then i took over, in between going to work to try and recoup some of my lost pay for today(every little helps) and various phone calls to Tony's nurse and onc secretaries to try and get some answers and finally at 7.30 tonight finally heard, Bone scan ok, CT scan, very promising, no further spread, and no more chemo, the original plan was for 4 cycles, but as he was coping so well with it decided to go for 6, but the 5th one the onc has decided that his body has had enough for now.We now have an appointment for 7th sept to discuss the what next. Meanwhile we intend to try and forget(some chance) just for a little while and give our daughter he wedding day she deserves.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jaxandtony,

    We men,say no more. Anyway the results where good as you found out eventually. Now stop the arguing and give your Daughter the Happiest day of her Life.

    Wishing you both all the best and Good Luck.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • Aw! Doesn't it make you want to throw a tantrum sometimes? It won't do any good, but might make you feel better.

    Have a lovely wedding and let's hope all goes smoothly.


  • FormerMember

    I am the daughter!  I am delighted to say the day hasnt happened yet but both mum and stad have done me very proud so far.  without them it wouldnt have been possible. i am the luckiest meme in the world!  love them both lots xxxxx