My husband

1 minute read time.

I miss my new husband so much ..he is tying so hard to get over here to stay with me foer good i was due to move to Canada to live my new life there when cancer had other ideas ..its very hard for him as he has to watch me suffer via the computer and he has to get a settlement visa and we have to sponcer him from here and send him the papers we are moving ahead but it still takes time ..and i feel its so wasted as i feel each moment is precious rto me and to be without him breaks my heart and there is no way to fix things start RT on monday and so scared of being alone at home during this time my daughter alison is a nurse and has two small children to look after as well as pop into see me my friend Brian has to go home to work for just over a week but he said he will be back but i am so so scared i hope i get the courage to face whatever the treatment throws at me ..but its hard as my heart is already broken over ken not being with me ..I know there is nothing anyone can do but just writing about how i feel is like talking about it just wish i did not feel so lost at time i do get moments of inner strength where i think yes i can do this just take it as it comes and dont look for it ..but those moments dont last very long again wish Ken was here .

Love Jan x

  • FormerMember


    You can be and can stay strong! before you know it he will be here and you can start that married life afresh! He is with you in both your hearts and knowing that will get you through!

    chin up chick!

    jayne x

  • FormerMember

    Jan, sweetheart. I really feel for you at the moment and can completely understand how much you are missing Ken. Especially now that your treatment is about to start in earnest - I wish that I could offer more comfort to you, but this will soon be over so that you can both be re-united. Please bear with it and carry can do it ! Love, Joycee xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jan,

    Stay strong and keep positive. It wont be long until you are together.  Look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Thank you guys for all your support you are always there to help pick me up the many times i have hit the floor which seems to be so often this time i dont honestly know how you all put up with me i feel like i hang from a thread ..i do have my good spells but as the day wears on i get tired and more upset about how i will cope

    Jayne , Joyce and Sarsfield I cant thank you enough x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jan Mate,

    OK I tend to be too out spoken at times and maybe would not get into the diplomatic corp ! - but lets be honest please - You really feel your mates on here are that crap at support ? Bit hurt you keep saying you are alone when you have so many friends caring and cheering you on !

    Know its in your nature to worry and look for all the the things that could go wrong, the worst side effects possible and try to walk in the shade and avoid the sun.

    Right  serious now - Expert medical science have spent years gaining their knowledge, they use equipment costing Millions of pounds and expensive drugs because their experience says this is the best possible treatment for you. Not pretending its easy or pleasant - but compare that to the alternative ! You have a new life waiting - grab and embrace it - so many do not get offered that hope !

    So the nights you are hurting, scared and alone join in the chat room please with your friends. If you don't feel up to write your blog - but when you are in the Mac Family - you are not alone !!

    Hugs mate

    J xx