Can we lead a normal life ?

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Woke up as usual at 7 but surprised myself by falling asleep until 9.30 ..a first for me ..dont think i sleep enough as never nap during the day and by night time i am so emotional and end up in floods of tears worrying about how i am going to cope with my RT and how i miss my husband and wish he was there to give me a hug ...I feel i wake up and it starts all over again ..This morning i got ready and went to postoffice just across the road from me then went to see my two youngest grandsons who were being looked after by there other gran while my daughter is at work ...I love them so much and all i could think about then and now that its a job i would /should be doing ..i love looking after them and now i feel everything has changed feel its going to be a day full of tears wish i could pull something out of the bag to make it ok to make it feel normal ...How do you all cope with this do you feel like i do that i am living inthis cancer bubble and there is no escape and that it wont ever be the same again ..I just find it so hard to deal with I try but end up back in the same place ..just want to know if its only me who feels this way or does everyone but you just deal with it better than i am dealing with it ..

Love and hugs

Jan x

  • FormerMember

    Jan, sweetheart - I have sent you a PM, but I know you are fretting about the radiotherapy again. It's a scary journey but there are people to help you along the way - the RT team are there to look after you both during and after treatment. Yes, it can feel like you are stuck in the cancer bubble at times, but there is a way out of it and indeed you have already began heading towards the exit. Life will return and you will be looking after the granchildren again - it's not easy, but it is possible. Keep strong and positive, Jan - take care and God Bless. Love, Joycee xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jan ,

    Nobody deals with cancer the same way. Some people

    like yourself a great  carer for your husband when he was

    here. You both went through hell together and now one is missing. Free from pain and at peace . while you Jan are left on your own to face your life ahead without the one person you loved so very much.

    Thats why I as a Cancer patient think that carers have so much change in their lives when a loved one passes on, you have so much to deal with min the future.

    I send you my strength and my support and understanding. and Hope one day the darkness will lift.  Look after yourself .

    Take care and be safe BIG HUG Love Jackie.xx

  • FormerMember

    Jan this so hard and i often wonder if life will ever be the same again, i take great comfort from my grandaughters when they visit, i make the most of every minute with them. I forget the cancer just for short time whilst they are here.  Make the most of your grandchildren they are great medicine.w e all deal with this differently and the road ahead will be hard but we have so much to give we have to get through it hun,

    I wish i was there to give you hug, but I am sending you one instead,and remember we are all here for you. Be positive gal I find it so much easier to deal with then.

    Love Jules xx

  • FormerMember

    Hello Jan, I understand how you feel. I had my surgery 10days ago. I saw my doctor today and he told me i will be going tru RT.  At 28, not yet married,i don't have any child, and just met someone who seams to be the love of my life, only to be diagnosed of medullary carcinoma 1month into the relationship . I do hope to leave a normal life again. I hope my new found love understands what am going tru. Sometimes am scared to talk because i don't wanna scare him. I have hope! I say positive and encouraging words to myself every morning. I know i will be fine and am sure you too will be fine but you need to be strong.

    Just have faith in God. sooner than you expect you will be back taking care of your grandchildren. Pls don't give up! You will have your beautiful & normal life back again. Always remember that you are dearly loved. May God bless and strengthen you.


  • FormerMember

    Hello Jan, yes I know how you feel, I've been there before.  In the end I tied myself up so much I sat down one day and said "I've had enough" and cried a river in front of my sister,her husband and my husband.  I am not one to show my feelings but they just came out and once I admitted it was all too much I decided to take one day at a time and try and find something good about each day, no matter how tiny it was.  I'm still here after 4 years so I got there in the end and life is going on.  Don't try and hide your feelings and if you feel  you want to be with your grandchildren why don't you all be together - the children will love having both their grannies - there's nothing like double love!  Reach out Jan and I wish you well.  Love Ann x