anyone out there

1 minute read time.

hi guys ....i have been having a full week of ups and downs ...Ken is going back to canada in a months time and i am scared stiff when that happens as i feel so out of control over my life ...i dont know how long we will have to be apart ...he wont be back until his last and final trip here for good which could take a year so i will have to try and get to canada appointment with my consultant that was for tuesday has been cancelled and i am upset over that as it is or was my first follow up appointment and important to have before kens return now i have to wait until the 20th sept ken will still be here but only just ..i need to know i can go and see my husband in canada i need to hear that from the consultant before i can rest also that my cancer is ok i just need to have something to work towards .

have still my feeding tube in as finding it hard to eat solid foods and even taking my ensure plus drinks make me sick have not seen a dietician she is calling me tomorrow as i so need a plan to get rid of the ng tube my throat is still sore and i still have thrush can take some some soup  and soft puddings but they semm to want it backed up with these milky drinks which i can understand but i find difficult to take without wanting to be sick

Sorry for the moan just so frustraited with the whole thing and still scared of whats in store .....anyone in the same boat ....

love jan x

  • FormerMember

    Hello Jan. Sorry to hear that your much-awaited appointment with the consultant has been put back, I can quite understand how upset you are feeling over this as it's the first one follow-up.

    It's a shame that Ken has to go back to Canada so soon after your treatment - at least he was here for most of it and will still be here for the consultant.

    Regarding going to Canada, you may be able to go for a ' long holiday ' if and when your consultant reckons it's safe for you to do so - as you know, I have been out to be with my hubby in between my follow-ups. I know that you want to be in Canada permanently but trips there in between may be better than nothing - also, will Ken be able to come back here on a temporary basis again ? I'm sure that you will both find a way around it all at some point.

    Yes, the nasogastric tube - I really do sympathise with you there, Jan ! It's not a very pleasant thing to have down your throat but at this moment in time it's probably necessary for you. I also had the same symptoms as yourself, but the doctor gave me medications for the infection and sickness, etc. I would ask the dietician is there are other food drinks that you can try - maybe they will be more suitable than the Ensures. However, they won't remove the tube until they are satisfied that you can manage to take nutrition without it - as I mentioned before, I lived off the Ensures for a while before I could manage a little soup as well.

    Yes, it's a frustrating time for you - we all want to be well again so quickly, it just takes time for the body to recover from the aggressive treatments. Take it a day at a time, you will get there ! Take care and God Bless. Love, Joycee xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Joyce

    thank you for the wise words as always ....can i ask how hard it is for you to get travel insurance ? Ken wants his next move to be his last as in when he come he wants to be able to stay for good its going to take sometime to get that on the way possibly a year thats why i want to be able to visit at laet once next year

    love jan x

  • FormerMember

    Hello Jan. Regarding the travel insurance, I should wait until you are ready to travel as all these things seem to change - prices and so forth. Plus there are different companies that either will or won't cover cancer patients. Best if you trawl through the Mac site for any updates - or ask Macmillan a bit nearer the time - prices are varying all the time.

    Hope that you feel better soon, sweetheart. God Bless. Love, Joycee xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jan,

    Know you are down mate, and I would be too but Joycee is right, get your self sorted with the dietician first to get some energy and health back. then tackle the appointment in a positive frame of mind.

    Understand it hard for you with Ken going back but nothing to stop you planning your trip and preparing for it. Mac do a guide to insurance that you can ask for - free and posted to you. You can get price comparisions from various insurance companies.

    Might be best to ask your consultants advice about travel and be guided by him in terms of timing.

    Know we are only a poor substitute for Ken, but never forget you have friends on here who care how you are and are always ready to listen and help if we can

    Love and Hugs Mate xx

    John xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jan,

            I know that you have been through so much and it is hard for you to think about ken returning to Canada. The most important thing is your recovery, so even though it may be slower than you would like, you are getting there. Always ask for something to alleviate any symptoms and concentrate on planning that trip to Canada in the not too distant future.

           Take care,

               Love and hugs,

                   lizzie xx