1 minute read time.

Hi everyone i arrived home today from my overnight chemo plus my two RT treatments ..i feel the chemo has kicked in and brough back my side effects that it always brings me even though it was just an overnight it was a higer does to compliment the RT have the bad taste back plus my throat is sore ..have taken my paracetmol and ibroufem my oncologist told me yesterday that any side effects from the RT will set in after 2/3 weeks ..so i hope whast i am going through now is from chemo and will settle down a little but feel in my heart it might not and this is just the beginning of what is to come ...guess food is now my medicine ..had a visit from the dietican  and she left me a big box of suupliment drinks and i will get them on perscription ...there is a clinic where you get to see the RT oncologists tomorrow after treatment so will tell her how i feel then have co-codamol in the house that my GPthought might be better for me but as yet only took one a few days ago to see how they agreed with me as the side of my throat was always a little sore ....

Has anyone else found this happened early on in treatment ?..have another overnight chemo in 3 weeks time ...wish all this was over so scared of whats to come and have to admit once i had my first RT i went into panic mode ..

Hope i can make it through this still standing

God Bless

Love Jan x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jan,

            You got through this session and you will get through the rest. Now, try to relax, take all the painkillers you are allowed and sip your special drinks. Hopefully things will settle down quickly and you will start to feel better. Good idea to talk to the RT oncologist tomorrow if you have any worries about side effects and remember, we are all supporting you and wishing you the absolute best.

            Take care,

               Love and hugs,

                   lizzie xx

  • FormerMember

    Hello Jan. Well done, sweetheart, you are on the way to getting rid of the unwanted ' guest ' so cross those treatments off on your board ! As Lizzie said, take your painkillers and keep up with the drinks - food is medicine for the moment. Just a thought, I wondered if your hospital could give you some syrup-type paracetomol mixture ? The Christie had their own ' recipe ' made up and it was marvellous at soothing any mouth / throat pain. Yes, always let the RT oncologist know how you are feeling as they are there to help. But stay strong and positive because you can and will do it, Jan ! We are right behind to keep pushing you along, so take care and God Bless. Love, Joycee xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jan,

    Well thats the first day over. Now listen to what Lizzie has to say.. As for the rest of the treatment you will do that

    standing on your head. Im not saying its going to be easy but it wont be as bad as you are getting yourself worked up too. As I have told you I have been there and done it,,,

    is your drink Called Freibus,or someting like that.

    All the best and Good luck.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • RT is tiring, but the affects only kick in after several weeks. Be kind to yourself and take it easy. I remember when I was going through treatment that I was striving to show the world how well I was coping (when I certainly was NOT!). Please don't feel you have to be STRONG all the time.

    Wishing you strength,
