The Pidgeon Has Landed

1 minute read time.

The message arrived as they always do, delivered by an unseen person through the normal channels.

Successfully I fought off the rush of Teila the Terrier and secured the documents.  Ensuring nobody else was about I proceeded to extract the contents from the plain white envelope and to commit the instructions to memory.

Date: 070911

Time: TBA

Where: SAL, Level 4

If instructions are not followed your operation may be cancelled. 

This would be unacceptable, months of planning & preparation and previous aborted missions have culminated in operation Neck Dissection and nothing is going to get in the way of this critical op.  INSTRUCTIONS WILL BE FOLLOWED.

In line with standard operational procedure I will call the secret number given to me, at the time specified, to confirm these details and in exchange I will be given the hour for the meet.  Myself and the Doctor (that's what we call him) have done this before but never in September and never this Doctor - I know he will be calling the shots but I've worked with his sort before and they've always come through for me, so I trust him.

Where is it.........where the hell is it?

Ah it's been located................ the standard green bag in which to conceal the drugs.  Critical to the op, things were in the balance there for a few seconds. 

Remember to secure it with the uniform;

Dressing gown, black.... check. 

Sandal type slippers, black.....check. 

Underwear, black........check. 


Not much I agree but we're used to surviving with just the basics, it's what we're trained for.  We can go without food and drink for hours and then survive on meagre rations for days.  It's what we do. It's what we must do in this ongoing fight against the unseen but highly dangerous Big C. 

The pidgeon has landed and I'm going in.  Wish me luck.

  • FormerMember

    Your message has been received, understood, and then eaten in the interest of national security.

    Good luck!

  • FormerMember

    LOL!!  Good luck & Hugs

  • FormerMember

    Oh Steve, did you have to mention all the dressing gowns and sandals etc all together? phew...where's the fan....

    Hope you survive not eating overnight again....don't want you wasting away now do we?

    Commit those instructions to memory and obey them and don't eat the instructions after midnight...

    Good luck, will be thinking of you and raise that hand above your head tonight (just for fun)

    Blimey, what a week!

    Let us know how it goes and take a photo eh? ha ha

    Little my xxxxx big hug (and I'll still think you are gorgeous even if you can't lift your arm above your head, and as Sunny says, it is rather overrated once you leave school)xxx

    ps thanks for saying non bloke stuff on my blog- much appreciated! and you talk a lot of sense for a bloke so just for you...

    I think this is good news, as it means you should be up and about in time for your next football match eh? and that is a good thing I know (in your world) and in return I will stay awake and read the match info and comment somehow on it.

  • FormerMember

    Steve, you had me laughing this morning, not something I do a lot first thing in the morning!  Seriously though, good luck for Wednesday, I know you'll have a successful mission, you're one of our top agents!

    As with Annette, I will be sending positive vibes for Wednesday and look forward to reading your mission report at the earliest opportunity.

    You may want to ask James Bond how he always manages to get Oysters and Champagne and you end up on NHS rations though, as it doesn't seem fair.  Your mission is a lot more critical and your enemy worse than any mad scientist with a God complex!

    Lots of love and a massive hug

    Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Best of luck with Wednesday's mission. Whatever you do don't forget the dressing gown, it would not do at all for an agent in the field to be caught in a hospital gown with his arse on display for all to see. And don't forget socks, operations conducted in sandals always require socks as well. Just because it looks funny. Chin up Mr C and we'll see you on the other side xxx