Stuff and a sprinkling of nonesense

3 minute read time.

So finally I have a few spare minutes, I log on to blog and having sat here for a while I realise I don't really have too much to say, so I'll just write stuff and see where it takes us.

Saturday was a good day.  My lads were excellent and won the first ever FA Cup game that the club have had.  There was a big crowd, a great atmosphere and a decent amount of alcohol consumed afterwards.  I then had a couple of press interviews (by phone) and felt quite important for a while.  All in all it was an excellent time and on top of that will have raised over a £1000 , which for a little club like us is an awful lot of money.

The euphoria carried over into Sunday as we grabbed the headlines across all the local media and the Sunday Independent (a paper for the South West) and Mick Channon even tweeted his delight - he's the club president having started his illustrious playing career there.  I must confess I enjoyed my 15 minutes of fame.

Then it was off to the in-laws for a barbie.  Unfortunately it was very warm and sunny so I spent the majority of the day sat indoors but it was nice all the same and then when we got home the phone rang and guess what?  Yep, another interview for the press - apparently they are running a special feature on me and the club in the Sunday Independent next Sunday.  My 15 minutes appears to have become 30 - I'll be signing autographs next (please form an orderly queue, thank you).

So a bit of work yesterday and then football again last night.  Bought back to earth with a bang I'm afraid.  We were beaten by the odd goal in five. 

Nevermind -  straight into the clubhouse to find out how my beloved Spurs had faired at the theatre of dreams......oops 3 zip lose. 

Nevermind - have a nice cold pint and the world will seem like a better place. Stand it on the floor whilst I have a chat and demolish my bangers & mash and yep, there she goes.  Thank you old fella for kicking that over.  One of those days I'm afraid.

Now I know I'd banged on about it a bit but the FA Cup tie was massively important in so many ways.  It was huge for the club both financially and in terms of profile. Winning it laid to rest the ghost of the previous management and showed the local populace that maybe myself and my team do actually know what we are doing.  But most importantly it gave me something to focus on.  I was determined I'd be fit by the 20th of August.  Job done.

So what's the next target?

Well I'm in on Friday to have the old neck sliced and diced and have set myself the next round of the FA Cup to be fit by.  Now that's a week Saturday, which might seem a tad ambitious but I love a challenge and trust me, I'll get there one way or another.  Let's hope those dispicable drains get below the holy grail of 35ml in double quick time and I can get myself home sooner rather than later.

That's the sort of day to day things bought up to speed so now over to general observations.

1. You can tell I'm getting the hang of this cancer thing because I actually gave my first piece of advice to a recently diagnosed and worried new mac recruit. In many ways that's scarey - me giving out advice, after all I know who I am!!

2. I've worked out why so few men work from home.  Daytime TV.  That's that one out there.

3. Whatever happened to wearing a collar and tie to work.  This morning I had to visit the head office of one of our major retailers and they all dress 'casual' whilst we, the great unwashed, go suited and booted. Somehow it doesn't seem proper. 

4.  My Mum & Dad have gone away on holiday for the week.  Mum keeps ringing me from her mobile - when did that happen - I mean my Mum with a mobile?? I bet it's the size of a brick!!

And lastly;  why do Starbucks now sell instant coffee for the home - does that not defeat the whole concept of Starbucks?  These things trouble me and keep me awake at night (or maybe it's too much Starbuck's coffee).

Right, best do some work 'cos that's what pays the bills and we've bills aplenty that need paying (see previous blog about kids returning to the fold etc.).

Stay positive, have fun.


  • FormerMember

    blah blah football,,, blah blah footie... blah ...


    what? oh, Hi Steve... Oh really? how interesting...

    big hug gorgeous

    Little my xxx

  • FormerMember

    Ok, I can't take this any longer, I just have to say it.  I hate football!!!

    I've tried to feign interest, I've even tried watching it (live and on TV) but really WTF!!!  The only thing that kept me awake through this one was the coffee you mentioned near the bottom.   Thank-you Starbucks!

    However, seriously, good luck for Friday and while I can't understand your enthusiasm, hope you make your goal and don't miss any important (and I'm using that word with my tongue firmly in my cheek!) stuff.

    Take care

    Ann x

  • FormerMember

    I follow Bury FC, believe me I am accustomed to watching a team everyone assumes has no idea. Although they did get promoted last season, hurrah. Our IT department dress 'casual' or, as it's also known 'like they went on a bender last night and kipped on a bench then rolled in wearing last night's outfit'. Weird Long-Headed Man came in this morning wearing the t shirt that he wore yesterday only with the remains of last night's dinner down it. Whereas we're expected to wear proper office attire unless we're spending the day on one of the construction sites in hich case we can wear jeans. Good luck for Friday, keep us posted, hope it all goes well, love Vikki xxx