Polar bears and dogs.

2 minute read time.

Just a quick few lines while I have a spare couple of minutes.

The reason for Fridays op being cancelled has come to light.  Apparently my consultant is a close personal friend of the family who's son was tragically killed by a polar bear in Norway and it was the funeral on Friday.  Fair enough says I.

Now plenty of peeps around me got their knickers in a knot about the cancellation but as soon as I pointed out that they would take a day off work to go to a friends funeral, so why should mister doctor be any different, they all calmed down.  Well almost all.

My lovely skin cancer nurse (and she genuienly is nice) kicked up a bit of a stink apparently and has instructed me to write complaining to the chief exec of the hospital trust.  I told her I would but not until after the op, I don't really fancy a bitter and twisted surgeon poking around in my neck.  On top of that he's a plastic surgeon, so I may wake up looking like Paul Daniels......I'll definitely wait!!

The point, I think, is that Mister Doctor must have known he was going to the funeral way before 4 O'Clock Thursday (I actually knew the service was on Friday a week or so previous, as it was in the national & local press) so he could probably have given me a bit more notice than effectively one working hour. If he had my wife, son and daughter could have cancelled their days off work, my mum and dad wouldn't have come back a day early from holiday and I'd have been able to re-arrange my work stuff.  A little bit of thought and consideration goes a long way mister doctor.

So that's it for this Blog - short, sweet and a tad serious for me.  Because of that I thought I should include the following facebook post I found;

Why Some Men Have Dogs And Not Wives:

1. The later you are, the more happy & excited your dogs are to see you.
2. Dogs don't notice if you call them by another dog's name.
3. Dogs like it if you leave a lot of things on the floor.

4. A dog's parents never visit .
5. Dogs find you amusing when you're drunk..
And last, but not least:
6. If a dog leaves, it won't take half of your stuff.

The Final Test:

Lock your wife and your dog in the trunk of your car for an hour.

Then open the trunk and see who's happy when you let them out !!!!

There that lightened the mood didn't it.

Stay positive, have fun.


  • FormerMember

    I'm impressed by your ability to keep your cool after finding that out.  You're right, it's not the time off so much (although I could easily argue differently) it's the lack of notice and the impact on everyone else, primarily you!  So well done for not flying off on one!

    Nuff said!

    Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Sounds like a bit of a story to me... he must have known before hand... and that is rubbish not telling you in advance- I would have been furious or cried or both, so well done you for taking it so well... and good to wait I say,  don't want you looking like Paul Daniels at all... still waiting for the photo by the way!

    Loved the dog thing... cheered me up and made me smile so thanks (and thanks for at least pretending to read the miserable dump I did- much appreciated!)

    Big hug handsome- have fun raising your hand while you can- want to come to my class for a bit? I like a raised hand...

    Little My xxx

  • FormerMember

    Your right Steve he certainly must have known before hand he wasn't going to be there. Then again to complain now and end up looking like Paul Daniels just isn't an option!!!

    Take it easy for now.

    Tiggs xx