
  • P.E.G


    Hi everyone

                     It has been a while but I have been keeping an eye on posts I am havinging trouble with my P.E.G now I went to the Doctors who called in a Nurse My P.E.G is now Bleeding and is also very sore and as it is the only way for me to eat or drink or have medication you can see that it is very painful for me to do most things, I strap the P.E.G tube to my tummy to stop it hanging loose it is keeping me awake…

  • sore neck


    hello everyone

                   sorry it has been so long but i have not been too good, and now my neck is hurting meevenmore than it was I get off my wife told you so you should not of hadthe extra operation on your spine but i had to try to straighten my neck so at least i could hold my head up high and straight even if the Cancer had stopped me eating and doing a lot of the things I like. Well how are the rest of you i should of…

  • bad today


                 to all my friends well how are you all feeling not to bad I hope I am having a lot of bad days now the thought of never eating is really playing on my mind every part or the day but mostly at meal times, my moods get very black which is no good to any one and makes for bad feeling in the house they say that they can understand but I dont think that you really can unless it is happening to you it has been over…

  • hello Cheshire lou


    please could you give us all an idea as too how you are affected by cancer so we can all help you and each other, hope you enjoy using the group and do get a lot of comfort from it.

                 all my love


  • to Alley97



        Well thank you very much for your concern as you have quite a lot to be going on with your own problems, but as I can see this group really is working people with real problems are able to put them to one side and think of others I read your first post and found that your Cancer was spotted in much the same way as mine due to a lump in your neck, I hope that you your self are feeling much better and having as…