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        To all my friends out there that read my posts I do hope that you are all well the weather here at the moment is very warm and I wish that my thoughts were as warm but we had a letter come through the post the other day saying that I had to go for a day Op, we did not have any idea as to what this was about but went along yesterday to find out, when we got there they said that they had spotted something on my last scan and wanted to do a Biopsy,but when they tried they could not so now I have got to go back to have a proper Biopsy done fingers crossed that it is nothing bad but I shall have to wait I will keep you all informed bye for now           Grandadbob14 (james)

  • FormerMember

    Hi Grandadbob,

    Isnt just life your going along doin so well and aletter pops through the door and it all starts again,

    Well heres hoping its nothing nasty and you get

    the answer you want. All the best and Good Luck.

    Take care and be safe

  • FormerMember

    Good Luck Grandad I hope it is nothing. I had a similar thing happen to me recently. What had been a cyst on my liver from day 1 suddenly became suspiscious because it had shrunk after my chemo. It must have been a coincidence because after a PET scan it showed negative for cancer. So I hope that yours do's too. God Bless You all my love Julie X

  • FormerMember

    Hi James, I will say a wee prayer for you!

    Hopefully it's just a wee blip.they have to investigate everything no matter what,you have been through so much! God Bless,big hugs. Alison.x

  • FormerMember

    Hi James, keeping fingers, toes and everything else crossed that all will be well with your biopsy.

    Will keep an eye open to see how you get on.

    Best wishes, Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    I have every thing crossed for you love for your Carol x