
Less than one minute read time.


    How are all my friends I am sorry that I have not been on of late but I have not been very well, I have had my operation on my neck it did not go as well as i thought and I am now in more pain, but it may of worked when they did the operation they damaged the inside of my throat, and now at the moment I cannot drink at all and am bringing up blood in my phlegm, I do hope that all my friends are well, how are you Jonnie and nina have not heard from either of you for a while.

                        kind regards


  • FormerMember

    Hello James sorry you're poorly and hope you'll soon feel better, I'm sure when your throat heals up it will make a massive difference. Love Linda

  • FormerMember

    Sorry James that you are suffering, is

    there nothing you can do about the pain.

    It can make you so miserable when your in pain.I hope it wont be long before you

    start to feel better.Sending you a Big Hug

    and take care.

    With Love Lucylee. xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Grandad Bob, my dear old friend, I am so sorry to hear that things have not gone well but really glad to hear from you. I am sorry too that I don't really get on with this new site, so am coming on less and less. But lots of love anyway and take care.