Bowel Cancer in young people

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Hi everyone

I was given the biggest scare of my life last summer when I was diagnosed with bowel cancer at the age of 29.

I woke up one morning in excruciating pain and collapsed on my bedroom floor I immediately rang my father and told him what was happening and he told me to ring for an ambulance. I was rushed to hospital and all the checks were done. Thats when I was given the devastating news that I had a cancerous tumour in my bowel an emergency operation was performed and I was in the critical care unit for 2.5 weeks before I was moved to a general ward. I have completed my gruelling six months of chemotherapy in february this year and recently had my first appointment with my surgeon who is happy with my progress. I would like to hear from people around the same age as me who have gone through the same thing.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jaan.Im pleased your surgeon is happy with your progress.You are certainly very young to have had bowel cancer.Its a great supportive site this.Best wishes to you xxxx

  • Do join the bowel cancer group where I'm sure you will find others in your situation.


  • FormerMember

    Im 28, and finish my first block of chemo 9 days before im 29. I never had any of the pains in the right places to indicate that i had bowel cancer, but i do. Its too far progressed for them to remove so i will have to bond with it and hope it can be shrank and controlled n become part of my life.
    I know this thread is an old thread but i was searching for young people with cancer, the group i had found stated 24 as a cut off age, oh to be 24 again lol x