Latest Update.....Not Looking Good

1 minute read time.

My dad went for his chemo as usual and they told him his blood count was low, this seems to happen quite a lot, so they have put him on injections to improve it as they have told him that he must have the two combined treatments every fortnight without fail or it won't work. So home he came with his injections and everything went fine until he had to go for his next seems the injections haven't done what they were expected to do in keeping his blood count levels up, so now i'm panicking. What happens next????

His test came back even worse than the last time, before he started the injections, so his treatment was postponed, which is exactly what his consultant didn't want at all. My dad seems fine about it, but i guess he's learnt to take it all in his stride now, but i can't help feeling now as if we should be panicking. I mean, without the treatment the cancer will grow and spread more, but we don't know how fast. I wish it all wasn't so complicated and there was something they could give my dad to give his blood a real good boost to keep it up. He has had to previously have transfusions due to his counts being too low, i just hope we don't have to go down that road again, although it is looking very likely. Anyway, he is back for tests again this week so fingers x'd and i'll let you know. Am praying everything is taking a turn for the better.
