Why I hear you ask....

1 minute read time.

Well after working on Macmillan's triathlon programme for the past eighteen months I felt it was about time I compete in a full one myself. I have competed in teams before, completed half marathons and cycling events but like many the swimming aspect of a triathlon, which hasn't neccessarily put me off, but it hasn't encouraged me to enter either. It's quite ridiculously really as I can swim albeit not very well. Lack of technique leaves me exhausted after two lengths of pool let alone having to cycle and run after!

What probably concerned me more is finding the time to train, if I'm going to compete then I want to do well, not just survive the event but feel proud of my time and feel strong when competing. I have entered many races in the past and not really trained properly and been disappointed with myself as I know if I had trained properly I could have done so much better. But finding the time to train well can be tricky, especially the open water swimming part.

So I am determined to train properly and put in a good performance (by my standards not the professionals!) in my triathlon event in. She says! Let this be one of my first ever New Year's resolutions.



