Cleared for Take Off

2 minute read time.

Peter is losing weight fast now, and pain is becoming more of an issue.

We are very aware that although he is hopefully to start trial on 14th time is not on our side now. He is to have another CT scan on 11th January.

He has leased a lock up for years and decided, given his health that he will give it up, so his accumulated treasures, tools, unfinished projects, men's mags, etc must go.

He gave notice to end the lease on March 25th, and being sensible he realised  that he may not feel any better on chemo, so he asked our lovely son in law to help us.

Peter has not been there for months and the weather today was not helpful.

I had a heavy heart as I knew this would be a difficult day for Peter even tho he wanted to be master of the clearance.

Our dear son in law is the kindest most patient lad you could ever meet, he fell for our eldest daughter at school and has been with us ever since,  we have weathered some mighty storms together , the death of his Mum and a near fatal accident that left his brother in a coma for weeks. have bonded us closer than if he was our son. Any way the three of us set off this morning to start the clearance.

Each item  picked up there had a story.

The club hammer with no handle.

"Remember taking up the patio Pete" says Ben" I said hit it don't kiss it and the hammer broke"

The Snorkeling bag of goggles and fins took us straight back to the Great Barrier Reef and Bali.

The camping gear, remember  remember remember  and we laughed and laughed just talking about the trips we have been on together.

We told Ben to take anything he wanted and bless him  he went through each shelf and drawer saying oh! yes I've always wanted one of those' and show me how that works etc. the sheer joy on Peter's face to think he had handed on his tools and treasures was wonderful.

I am so proud of this young man for being so perceptive, he understood the guts it took for Peter to clear his things rather than leave it to me do do when he has gone home.

Bless You Ben  I know you have cluttered up your own shed with things you don't want or need. But you have made The Old Man very happy.

Mushty X

