Carry on Cruising???????

1 minute read time.

We found ourselves with a few days before we recommence battle, I was concerned that peter would become despondent ,he has always loved to go out, and hates his lack of strength and staying power.

We enjoyed our virtual holiday earlier in the year, so we embarked on a virtual cruise. on Friday when I booked us into a nice seafront hotel a short drive from home.

Our cabin has a direct sea view. Peter has spent a lot of time resting on the bed watching boats and seagulls, with the windows open the sound of the sea on the shingle beach is sublime.

There is entertainment during the day and evening so we have been able to go below for as long as Peter is comfortable then retire to our cabin to rest.

Perfect    ♥ .........

Well almost ............My shipmate flooded the bathroom while taking a shower, he shouted "abandon ship were sinking"

I flicked his naked rear with a towel, to stop him making the sound of a ships horn,   as the door opened and the maid arrived.

(Note to self. Use do not disturb sign).

It has been fun to pretend and the days have flown by.

We disembark tomorrow, back to reality and ready for Marsden on 31st

  • FormerMember

    Thank you Corrin for your good wishes and offer of help.

    I am pleased you have friends and family around. and I hope you are coping ok with their help.

    You are right Peter and I have a clear idea of where we are on our journey.

    Hugs Mushty X