All's Well :)

2 minute read time.

All's well and we are home again :)

Martin Benson did get through the stricture and tumour, he really is a clever chap.

The stent has slipped part way into Peter's stomach, there is a cancerous lump at the top end of the stent this is friable and bleeds easily it is probably the site of recent bleed.The tumour has not changed it is still same size and active. there were no new tumours seen in stomach or duodenum.

MB did not do any treatment yesterday he decided that there was a huge risk of making matters worse. therefore the plan is wait until Peter's swallowing is liquid only or he has a bleed then a further stent will be placed behind the current one unless it has migrated further in which case it will be retrieved.

As ever the day ran like clockwork we arrived at 7am were greeted by night sister who presented me with a very welcome  tray of coffee and biscuits little silver pot , jug etc. she said a Staff nurse would arrive for Peter at 7.30 and on the dot she arrived with an ambulance driver and Peter was whisked away to The Chelsea & Westminster, they have a newly refurbished endoscopy unit with the best equipment. the nurse stayed with Peter all day eventually bringing him back to the ward at the Marsden and settling him in. she handed his care to another nurse and the GI team came to talk to us. 

Peter has been having chest pain so a quick just in case ECG was done all o.k he has been prescribed Sucralfate as its most likely reflux pain.

Now for the other issues

2 months ago Peters fast tab was from a different manufacturer it was really difficult to open the tablet each day. he was given 56 tablets. We now think this has been the cause of his itchy skin and dark stools as both are much better and the only difference is he is back on his usual brand. I also wonder if its why his reflux has been worse. any way I am asking the pharmacist to notify the reaction in case others have the same symptoms.

Its a year since Peter first noticed he couldn't swallow his meat ,he has had 8 cycles chemo, herceptin ,3 stents................... and our resident cancer remains the same.

So what have we done this year?

We have cried and wondered why

We have raged at the unfairness of this disease

We have lain awake and talked all night

We have searched for answers

We have pushed for treatment at a specialist center

We have accepted this is here to stay

We have sorted out our  financial afairs

We have paid for our funerals

But most important we have lived and had fun and laughed and been places we have never been and met amazing people and laughed and learned and are very grateful for this year. so we have decided we will have another one. :)

  • FormerMember

    Mushty, so glad to hear that all went well; it really sounds as if Peter is in very capable hands, and that is so reassuring for you both. My husband is also just over a year since diagnosis, and as you know, we have rollercoasted through the same ups and downs, tears and laughter. I salute you both, and I am in awe of the courage of our husbands, and the strength we have found within ourselves. You deserve lots more time for fun, love and laughter xx 

  • FormerMember

    Hello Mushty.  Pleased to read that all went well.  You and Peter must be an inspiration to so many people on this site, you certainly are to me.  I liked your comments about the importance of living, having fun and laughing.  Best wishes to you both.  xx

  • FormerMember

    Thank you Tina, Our men are very similar, I wonder at their tenacity on this bumpy road, well done to the both of you, and I hope you will also have fun love n giggles. for a long time.

    Bless you Margaret,  we will  never stop enjoying some part of each day even if its only a smidge.

    Take Care Mushty X 

  • FormerMember


    What a beautiful way to describe your year since diagnosis.  Wishing you and Peter many more years to enjoy.


  • FormerMember

    Pam. Thank you and best wishes for the future to you.

    Mushty X