The Begining

3 minute read time.

I suppose the 'journey' really began for us some 8 months ago,

Richard started complaining of back pain, and, as he works in a manual job, we both put it down to muscle pain and assumed he was working too hard at work, as weeks passed the pain became more frequent and more intense.

So to be safe and also to get something to relieve the pain he visited the doctor, as with many doctors surgeries, seeing your own doctor is a kind of hit and miss situation, he ended up seeing the 'shared' practice doctor who didn't really know him from Adam, and I feel because he was not one of her own regulars, probably thought he may be trying to get some time off work by pulling a fast one.

The doctor diagnosed muscle pain and told him to take ibuprofen/paracetamol, and prescribed some muscle gel.

This seemed to work for a month or so, then the pain started to return, despite the painkillers, so off we trotted back to the Doctors, this time Rich saw a locum, who gave him the standard bendy tests, bend forwards, backwards, sideways etc, the doc was all for putting it down to back pain until Rich said that a neighbour - who had had a kidney infection in the past - suggested that the pain seemed to be more towards the kidney area than just back muscles, so, in order "to just be on the safe side", this doctor ordered a urine/blood test,

Rich went back the following week for the results, he saw one of the practice nurses, who said hid urine test had come back and showed traces of nitrates, and that he had a UTI infection, thus she prescribed a course of anti biotics, and told him to return a week later for the results, , at this time neither I or Rich had any concerns over what may be wrong.

In the days following the pain got worse, so on the Monday Rich went back to the Doctors, and, luckily, saw his own doctor, Rich explained that he felt the anti biotics had made the pain worse, his own doctor was the first to lie him on the bed and give him a 'decent' examination, as a result he sent him - same day - for a stomach x-ray, still no real cause of concern to us, 

He attended later that week to get the blood test results from the nurse and to ask if the x-ray results had come back, the nurse told him the blood result was ok, as was the x-ray, but Rich told me that whilst sat down he could see the nurses screen, and he is certain that it said that the kidney showed excessive swelling! this is the first time that we became a little worried.

On the Sunday following Rich came home from work and told me that his left testicle was very swollen, thinking more that he had injured himself at work and at my insistence we went to A & E, at A & E the doc gave him some anti biotics and said he was going to refer him for an ultrasound of his testicle.

On the Monday, Rich and I went to the Doctors as he had woken up with pain in his back, and also as a courtesy call to let him know about the A & E visit, his doc once again examined him and said that he was going to refer him for an ultrasound of his abdomen, and that it seemed silly to do a seperate testicle one so he would write a note for the doc who would do the stomach scan to also do a testicle scan, the following day Rich got the appointment for the following Wednesday.

We went, and Rich went in for his scan, after the scan the doc who did it said that  Rich had to go to his own Doctor - luckily just across the road - and make an appointment for Friday ad he would have the results by then, this started the panic, because normally the results from these scans take between 5/10 days.

We both went on Friday to see his Doctor, who sat us down and old us that the scan shows what may be a 9 cm 'growth' in the upper lobe of his left kidney, and well, we cried, we were shocked, scared and lost in this sudden revelation, one man can change the world it is said, this one man changed ours that day,  

The story will continue on the next blog entry...

  • FormerMember

    Hi and welcome to the site,

    I'm really sorry to hear about Richard's diagnosis. It sounds as though you are feeling really lost and scared at the moment, which is understandable.

    I hope that it helps to be able to share what you're going through here on the site. As well as blogging, you might be interested in posting in some of our discussion groups. For example, I see you've already joined our kidney cancer group. We also have a carers group, where people whose loved ones have cancer can share experiences and support each other.

    Another really good way to get support is to give our team of experts a call on the Macmillan Support Line. They can provide information and answer questions about practical, medical and financial issues - or they can just be there to listen if you or Richard need to talk. It's free to call and the number is 0808 808 0000 (Mon-Fri, 9am-8pm).

  • FormerMember

    Blog Entry 2

    1st visit to Consultant

    The reason for this visit was as a result of the possible 9cm 'growth' shown on the ultrasound.

    It was in an old part of the hospital, half way up a steep hill, probably not the best location for someone in pain :)

    The waiting room was similar to many nhs waiting rooms, pale blue and white walls, probably painted that way to lull you into a peaceful mood, it had the sounds of phones ringing, muffled chats between people waiting, and doors opening closing with people coming and going and doing their jobs.

    It was about a 20 minute wait before we were called into a small room just off the reception area, there we were greeted by an Mr Hussain, who sat us down and started to look through some paperwork, after a few minutes he looked up and said that this 'growth' that had shown on the ultrasound could be something and nothing, many were, and if that was the case then that would be it, he couldn't tell us much more because as the scan had been done by a private company he did not have access to the scan, and could only go of what the Doctor who did the scan had written - which wasn't much.

    He then spent 5 minutes telling us he didn't know what they did, that they didn't tell him anything, and that and he didn't know who they were.

    He said he would send Richard for a CT scan with some dye, and call him back in when he got the result.

    Parting words were to the effect "loosing a kidney is no big thing, you can live quite happily on one"

    Both Richard and I were a little stunned at how flippant he seemed to treat what we were going through, and even more scared by his comments about it being something or nothing, and the fly away comment regarding being able to live quite happily with one kidney, I'd assume he has 2 - healthy ones.

    We spent the next few days even more scared and worrying about what was to come.

    Richard had the CT scan at 7:30pm on Monday 23rd September, Richard said he thought it was a black ring until he looked closer and could see this 'thing' whizzing around, and when they injected the dye his arms were above his head lying on the bed on the scanner, and didn't feel a thing apart from a fleeting pass of feeling nauseous, they also gave him 2 cups of water to drink beforehand.

    Well that was it until the results came through, which he was told would take between 7 to 10 days, so we waited....

    To be continued in the next blog entry..