We came here to party

1 minute read time.

Friday was the first day of breast cancer awareness month, so I thought what better day to have a pink party and boob funeral. I dressed up as a huge inflatable tit and invited 15 of the most amazing women to my house for food and wine and all things boobies. It was the most amazing night. I laughed until I wet myself (literally at one point) and danced in my kitchen into the early hours of Saturday morning. To have everyone together who have supported me and shown me such love over the past 6 months was overwhelming. It was actually 6 months to the day on Friday that I first found my lump.

My sister made up an unreal hamper and we did a ‘guess the weight’ of my left boob and raised £300 for Breast Cancer Now. The night was worth it simply for that. My surgeon will be verifying the winner tomorrow.

I was so hunger over on Saturday and Sunday I had no time to even think about what was coming tomorrow. Today has been the longest day of my life. My bags are packed for hospital and clean jarmies and new dressing gown are out ready for my return. I’ve paced around my house all night. No amount of relaxing in the bath with my book and drowning myself in lavender oil has made me chill out or any less ready to go to bed and sleep tonight.

Here’s a final goodbye to my left tit. 
