No, this is not a hair commercial

1 minute read time.

Quoting Britney, sat here hoping to God I’m pulling off the Sinead O’Connor buzz cut.

The hair loss thing has been stressing out this whole time. Knowing that it is going to happen and being in constant fear of when that might be. The oncologist said it would go within 2 weeks of treatment. The nurses at chemo said 7-10 days. Yesterday was 10 days.

I could think of nothing else and spent the whole day Googling different versions of ‘how long after chemo will I lose my hair’. I had made the decision that it needed to be done sooner rather than later. Like now. At 8pm on a Sunday night. I rang my Mam and assembled the troops.

The 5 mins it took me to decide I wanted to do it to sitting in the chair were the most upsetting. My Mam crying, my sister on FaceTime crying and me losing my shit. My brother-in-law sat not really knowing what the hell to do. But he was there for support.13 minutes it took to take me from bob to buzz cut. It was no half-arsed attempt either. My Mam taking instruction from my brother-in-law on how to use the clippers and what grades and guards needed to be used when.

The only thing I needed to know was that my head was an OK shape. I had confirmation and bravely looked in the mirror. Like the phase 1 haircut non drama, this was also a bit of an anticlimax. I like it. I looked alright. Nothing I would have pro-actively chosen but it wasn’t offensive. Job done.

I had a strongbow dark fruits with my cousin to celebrate. Celebrate the end of chemo cycle one and cancer major surprises for now. Let’s start this week fresh with no boring cancer shit.

  • You are so so brave. Give yourself credit to seize the moment! Like V said 

    Bc is treatable

    You got this!

    I am one who sometimes in weakness u stumble a bit bit its haven't got to be strong all the time. Crying gives that release...and is what your body needs. 

    Personally I think you looked awesome!

    I am enjoying your blog. It shows the true you...and you're on the road to recovery.

    C x