I’m loving angels instead

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This is Lydia, Alex’s sister

I’m sorry to update that Alex lost her fight with Breast Cancer on the 5th August.

I couldn’t bear that her last post and picture was about her paralysis. My sister was so much more than her illness. 

She was so beautiful and full of life. She was the centre of every party and the last to leave. She was loyal and kind and the best daughter, sister and auntie that we could ever ask for.

The humour and resilience you read in these blog posts are a fraction of the true strength and bravery she displayed whole life.

She laughed her whole 36 years and cancer didn’t stop or even dampen that, my life will have far less laughter in it without her here. She will be livid that this blog post isn’t anywhere near as witty or clever as she could write it…….

Her ceremony was on Friday, Alex would have been blown away by the number of people that were there and the outpouring of memories and love.

Me, her Mam and her Niece and Nephew will miss her ever single day

  • Lydia and family, I am so sorry for your loss. I followed Alex’s story closely as we were diagnosed at roughly the same time and frankly I was in awe of her. She showed such guts, determination and resilience from day 1 of her blog posts and her humour and personality shone brightly throughout. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful picture of your sister and my heartfelt condolences to you, her family and friends. X

  • I’m so sorry to hear of your loss. Your sister sounds lovely and I hope your closeness to her and all the things you shared will help you get through this horrible time. Love to you and all your family x

  • Lydia, I much appreciate your posting this, and the photo. It is so sad. When I was diagnosed, Alex's posts were the first ones I came across when I started to look at this Macmillan site for help, and her posts stood out clearly as so honest and so hilarious to read and it was humour alone which got me through my appointments and treatment. I loved her posts. Both my husband and I found what we considered the only funny aspects of clinic and hospital visits, and these got us through the grimness of everything else. Like others, I hoped that there would be a successful trial for Alex. I am so sorry and wish you and your family well. xxx

  • Lydia I used to post uplifting songs for Alex - here's a final and appropriate one for you all: www.youtube.com/watch