Don’t you, forget about me

3 minute read time.

I’ve had so many appointments this week it’s been mental. I had a review with my surgeon to Wednesday. Long story short she was really happy with the operation and how I was healing up. The cancer was spread right into my armpit which is why my scar is a whopper, and much closer to my breastbone than they thought. She did say she took out all of the cancer that she could see with additional tissue and was happy that nothing was left that the eye could see. It was 10 cm roughly and an additional 3cm of pre-cancerous cells that hadn’t technically become part of the cancer yet. No wonder it weighed as much as it did! She also took out all 24 visible lymph nodes in my armpit, 11 of which had cancer. I don’t now have any other reviews with her until I contact her for further surgery. I checked with her that there were no timeframes on this. She said she wouldn’t consider me for my other mastectomy until I had finished all treatments but other than that I could take as long as I wanted. If I wanted to wait a year or two before reconstruction that was totally fine. I felt like a bit of a weight had been lifted that if I didn’t want to be constantly in hospital and once surgery after another once treatment had ended, I could give myself a break. On Wednesday night I went to my friend for facial reflexology. Now this is my kind of ‘treatment’. I’m still not allowed any massage (boo) but this was just a nice hour of relaxation R&R that didn’t mean me watching Netflix.

I had a meeting on Friday with my physio at the hospital. She was pleased with my range of motion but told me to get back on the paracetamol so I could make further progress. While I was with her, she said she was worried about the swelling on my back so sent me round to see the breast nurses. I had 1lt fluid drained out my 'none boob'. She said with the removal of my lymph nodes it would most likely come back so I have to go back in two weeks to have it checked. It does feel a lot more comfortable not having the swelling under my arm. I asked her about the lump on my back and she said I had a ‘dog ear’. This is just where the skin has been stitched after surgery that causes a lump in the skin. It’s in such an annoying place though it’s stopping me putting my arm down flat against my side comfortably. I can get it removed with more surgery but not until all of my treatments have been completed. Brilliant.

I’ve also had a meeting with the genetics team to get my BRCA tests done. Eventually! I only started this process the in the last week in May. Obviously not in any rush at this department to get shit done. They said it’s a 12 week wait for results so can put that on the back burner for now.

As always, I’m counting my life away in Monday MDT meetings and always thinking someone has forgotten to ring me and tell me what is going on. There have now been two meetings since my operation and no one has contacted me about my oncology plan. Apparently, everyone’s ready to go last week but no oncologists attended. She has forgotten about me! That’s good isn’t it. FFS. Not that I want to start chemo anytime soon, I’ve really enjoyed the rest from it, but I want to be able to plan my life for the coming months. Tragic that Christmas is revolving around my chemo sessions. Let’s see if everyone manages to get their shit together tomorrow so we can suss out the next 6 months.

  • I just feel abandoned!  My life was revolving around chemo and oncologist appointments but since finishing chemo nothing… I had to phone and ask what medication I should be taking.  Did have my PICC out though - OUCH !  

    You sound so much more relaxed and positive carry on that way.  

  • Oh my days...that is just horrible! I feel at times there's so many cases and not enough people to work on them or maybe we are just file number blah blah blah...we are actual real people! Sorry you were left hanging!

    I really like your name, very apt!! Hopefully you will have progressed, seems like we need to keep on top of it ourselves! Wish you luck on your next phase.

    How you feeling emotionally post op?


  • How are you ?  Missing your blog and letting us know how you are getting on.  Hope all is well with you.  Stay positive 

  • I’m doing ok! I’ve been loaded with bloody cold this week (how unfair with what we go through to catch that too) I have my oncology appointment in an hour Grimacing I’ll let you know the outcome. How have you been getting on?! 

  • Stuck at home - blood and COVID tests on Saturday then op on Tuesday.  Getting very real now… positive thoughts for your oncologist appointment being sent to you.