
1 minute read time.

In my late teens my mum was diagnosed with CLL and as i was sitting in the back of the car eating a cheeseburger with tears rolling down my face - i thought “this couldn’t get any worse” but it did

In my early 20s my mum was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer and as we walked back to the car we thought “this couldn’t get any worse” but it did

My mum lost her hair and struggled with Chemo due to her white cell count (from her CLL) causing time gaps between sessions which messed with how effective the treatment was, so we thought “this couldn’t get any worse” but it did

The steroids from the chemo led to a diagnosis of diverticulitis from a bowl perforation, which almost landed my mum in an operating theatre with a Stoma bag - this time we really thought “ this couldn’t get any worse” - but it did

We continued with Chemo and Radiation - leading to so called “remission” so we thought this was it! so we got online and booked our celebratory holiday…….

That would have been a lovely end to our story wouldn’t it?

 but unfortunately our story doesn’t end with bloody mary’s on the beach but IV bags and wheel chairs because it did get worse.

Six months after remission and 3 months before our holiday my mum fell ill and was informed she had stage 4 metastatic breast cancer - so we wept and thought right this is it IT CANNOT GET ANY WORSE but it did

It had spread to every organ it could - so first thought was chemo right? Well after a few weeks of being told my mum could have years we were down to months and then weeks with 0 option of chemo……and as i sit here across from my mum who is heavily breathing in her sleep i pray to god that it won’t get any worse…..
