not coping

1 minute read time.

how awful life is. I have just poured my heart out on this page describing how bad I feel and how excluded I feel by the companionable posts in the bereaved spouse group -  a failing on my part rather than the others I feel sure.  All that I had written simply disappeared and this seems utterly in line with how my life goes at the moment.

I have lost so many words since Colin died, I know there's a word for what I want to say but it has become lost in my addled brain.  I have so many questions which I want to ask but have no-one to turn to for answers.  I have been reading the discussions in the group which I joined, and have even made a couple of posts but I feel so uncertain, it is like standing on the edge at a party, nervous of speaking, wondering when we can go home and be safe again but then I remember that there's no-one to go home with or to. I thought that I was preparing myself for the loss but I now realize that I am in no way prepared and don't know how I will survive.  I seem to have spent all day crying, the tears come unbidden to my eyes, I feel sick all the time and the pain is intense.  I had not appreciated that the pain of grief is a physical gut wrenching body doubling experience.

It is six weeks since Colin died and it gets worse every day but people seem to think that it should be getting better and that because I go to the shop and buy milk I'm  'coping' well and they are pleased for me.  If only they knew.  I hope that by writing this down I may get my head in a better place and manage to find a way of carrying on

  • FormerMember
    Hi Milgarth My heart goes out to you. I am so sorry that you feel excluded on the bereaved spouse page. Sometimes I do too and I rarely post now, although there are some really friendly, supportive and lovely people on there. Please do post. That is what the group is for - to enable people in our position to pour their hearts out to like minded people. Even though we are all at different stages of our grief, we can all relate to the sheer awfulness of it. Some people seem to cope better than others but that shouldn't put you off posting. My husband died 18 weeks ago today and I simply don't know what I would have done without the support that I got on here from people who really do understand. I agree that some friends think we should be getting better whereas the truth is that it gets worse as reality kicks in. I will send you a friend request. Please feel free to message me any time. Even though I don't post much now I do read the posts every day. Massive hugs Heather
  • FormerMember
    Dear Millgarth, Reading your blog entry has made me feel deeply moved and saddened. The isolation and pain you are feeling come across so clearly and the fact you feel excluded from the bereaved spouses and partners group made me sad. When you write so honestly and movingly about what you are going through and how you are feeling I don't understand how your words can just disappear, I am not a member of that group, although I probably will be at some stage, but if I were I would be replying to what you say. Like obsessed says, please try posting again - you need that support and companionship as much at least as everyone in the group. Gentle hugs wending your way, Hiloa x
  • FormerMember
    Dear Millgarth I'm so sorry for your loss, but please don't stop posting, it is a great forum for people to express their feelings. I to am not a member of that group as yet, but will be sometime soon. They are really nice people and some have given me such good advice. Take care of yourself big hug Ally x
  • FormerMember

    hey, i feel ure pain. i lost my partner 7 mths ago. i coped very well as i run about here there and everywhere. i helped out alot with my step kids one of whom gave birth the wk b4 her dad passd away. she and her older sister lost their mum last year too. ive been down so much lately and cannot seem to pick myself up anymore. the realisation is kicking in that ive lost the one person who i spent half my life with, my best friend. look after youreself. big virtual hugs to u xx