1 minute read time.

hi my names Isabel, i am 66,and last july i was diagnosed with oral cancer, there was a large tumour in the floor of my mouth, which i later found out had spread quickly to my tongue,and around my jaw.

I was under a fantastic surgeon at the UCH in Euston, after numerous tests, exams, ultrasounds,mri,and a million and one other tests, throughout i was terrified, it was decided that i would undergo three rounds of a trial chemotherapy, then major surgery,and a large amount of radiotherapy. The date for the operation was set for September 2012, I stayed in the night before, but found out about an hour before the op, that i had an infection, so the operation was cancelled.

The chemo was awful,it totally sapped my energy, and i could hardly raise my head, but i got through it, and the date for my new op was 19th November,In the mean time i was fitted with a Pic line and a peg feeding tube, as i was unable to eat solid food. The surgeon described that the op would involve, taking away 60% of my tongue, removing the floor of my mouth, taking some of the lymph nodes in my neck as it had spread to that area,and having to take some of my jawbone away,and taking muscle and bone from my shoulder blade, to form the bottom of my mouth and to reconstruct my tongue, he thought the op would take about 18 hrs,then i would be in ITU for a week, but heavily sedated for the first three days.

Next came thr radiotherapy, which was horrendous, i had 30 sessions,it made my mouth really hurt, with a constant burning sensation,and later on it literally burnt the skin on my neck 

The op did take around 18 hrs and i cant remember the time in ITU, i was then transferred to the oncology ward, where i spent three weeks.

I still have peg tube in,and since the radiotherapy i have got 2 lumps on the side of my neck, so more scans tests and appts.

I would love to hear from anyone, who has had oral or head and neck cancer, but equally anyone else!!!! 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Isabel,

    Welcome to the Online Community. I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis - it sounds as though you went through a lot with your treatment and it has really taken it out of you.

    I'm glad that you've found our site, as many of our members find that it really helps to have a place to share experiences and get support from others who are going through similar things.

    A lot of the activity on our site takes place in groups, so, as well as blogging, I think you might find it helpful to join and post in our Head & Neck Cancer group. That will give you a better chance of a reply from someone with a similar cancer type.

    Another really good source of support is the free Macmillan Support Line - our team of experts are on the end of the phone to help with practical, financial or emotional support. It's 0808 808 0000 (Mon-Fri, 9am-8pm).

  • FormerMember

    Hello Isabel,

    I'm sorry that you have been through all that gruelling treatment for oral cancer .... and I understand all too well as I also had a floor of mouth cancer which required extensive surgery almost five years ago now.

    My operation was performed at Wythenshawe Hospital, Manchester by Maxillofacial Consultant Mr Manu Patel and it lasted approximately ten hours ( if you click on my name / avatar it will take you to my profile where there are more details ) I had twenty fractions of radiotherapy at The Christie, Manchester where I have since been going for my follow-up appointments

    There are a few of us in the site's Head and Neck Cancer group so please join us for help and support.

    Joycee x

  • FormerMember

    Hello again Isobel,

    I hope that you will be able to read my comments, I have sent you a friend request so then we can message each other too.

    Joycee x