1 minute read time.

Hello everyone,
 I am new on here and am hoping that by talking to others i may be able to get some help. I was diagnosed with breast cancer at the end of october, I then went on to have a masectomy in the middle of december. I was very lucky to have an immediate reconstruction using my own tummy. Unfortunately this means alot longer recovery time as i have two areas that need time to heal. It has been a complicated recovery so far, A few weeks ago both wound sites got infected and both wound sites have partly opened up. As a result of the operation, Infection and recovery time i have been back and forth to the hospital alot, Sometimes 3 times a week. Iam obviously unable to work at the mo and my self employed husband has had to take alot of time off taking me to and from hospital visits as i am unable to drive at the mo.
My question is, Due to lack of wages at the moment and lots of expences like hospital visits, We are really struggling to keep up our mortgage payments. This is so stressfull, Is there any help out there that anyone knows of?? Any help in the right direction would be appreciated.
Thanks for taking time to read this.

  • I am sorry to hear of your problems.  My husband is the one with cancer and also is self-employed.  He has tried to keep on working during his many chemotherapy courses, but we too are suffering financially.

    One source of help is the Macmillan site financial advisors.  If you ring their help line there should be someone there to help you both.  We got help from the welfare advisor at our local Hospice, whose clinical team are acting in the same way as Macmillan due to the fact we do not have Macmillan nurses in our area, but the Hospice takes its place.

    I can only recommend to get someone very knowledgable to help you as it is a mine field, and you will need someone skilled in these things to help you.

    Good luck and I hope your post op complications clear up soon.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Folly,

    Good advice there from diamondsgirl!

    The helpline number is 0808 808 0000 and it is open from 9am to 8pm on Monday to Friday.

    I hope you are feeling better soon and are soon fit enough to go back to work.

    Good luck,

    Colin xxx