Is my mother nearing the end?

Less than one minute read time.

Prognosis 6-12 months.

Completed 4 rounds of chemo, said tumour has shrunk and not spread it has always been in her bones and little in liver. Her next review is mid June. I am emailing about her current state of health. Last week she was fine more energy etc, however this week has been very different. Started with pain in her hip which went but now she is full of aches and pains. Now she is saying it is localised more in her lower back around her waist area. Past few days saying she feels more tired than usual which she is very weak. She feels cold with shivers? have noticed her hearing is weakening as well as her memory and ability to retain or listen.

My mother stopped taking her low dose of steriods on Sunday could this have any affect?

Any advice as I am really concerned. I hope she can stay with me until mid June as I live in the South.My mother is based in the North.

  • FormerMember

    Hi there,

    Sorry to hear about your mum.

    The hip pain is a worry, does she have any tingling or numbness anywhere around her groin/thigh top area?  If she does you need to treat this as an emergency and call your oncology/emergency department straight away.

    How is her voice and her nails?  One symptom of late stage is losing their voice. Also advanced disease will 'club' the finger and toe nails.

    Stopping the steriods would have affected her for sure, and maybe why she is more tired.  Is her skin sensitive to the touch in the areas where it is really cold and is there a discolouration on the bits closest to the bed/chair?

    I think while she is communicating with you about how she feels and is getting around ok there's no need for immediate worry.  I hope her pain is under control and she is still able to eat and drink little bits.

    There is a section on here about the 'end of life' and what to expect and it is amazingly accurate if you can handle reading it.  Don't fear the end for your mum, you'll find it a very surreal and peaceful time, a very special moment to share with your mum.

    Thinking of you xx