Facing the consequences

1 minute read time.

I’ve had loose stools on and off for a number of years now, but put it down to stomach sensitivity having had the surgery for my Dukes B colon cancer back in 2008. However a few weeks ago I started having weird bowel motions, weirder than usual - sometimes pale stools, sometimes a weird yellow/orange, I started getting stomach discomfort, occasional back ache and a bit nauseated during the days. I went to my GP a week ago Monday, did blood and stool tests. The blood tests all came back normal but my FIT stool test was positive for blood at over 100. I’m due to have my colonoscopy on Friday 

My mind is already charging through all the possibilities. Maybe it’s just really bad inflammatory bowel? I have this impression when cancer comes back it’s usually much worse/more aggressive? What if it’s really bad? How much time will I have?

I’m also starting with the should haves and what if’s? I was given advice about managing my lifestyle the last time I had cancer and although I’ve been reasonably fit over the years (I joined the Navy but left a couple of years ago to start nursing); if I’m really honest I haven’t followed the advice that well. I’ve always just assumed I’m fine and I got past it, and made choices where my health was secondary for the sake of work and things like that. 

Now I’m starting to think I should have paid more attention, put my health first instead of saying it’s fine I’ll sort it later, paid attention to the warning signs, made better choices.

I guess on Friday I’ll have a better idea of the consequences of my choices.
